I haven't played TS3 yet. I plan to test it out sometime in the future, but I know I won't be able to do households with heavily interconnected stories in that game due to story progression, so that's definitely going to be a single household, aging off kind of affair.
TS4 has some good to it, way better vampires than TS2, CAS is really good (I especially love the fact that I can give my sims all kinds of body shapes instead of just picking between fit and fat like TS2), it's easier to edit buildings in build mode than in TS2, Toddlers in TS4 are miles and miles better than TS2 Toddlers, no more overzealous social worker telling me I can't have latchkey kids...but, the overload of "Happy" moodlets from the environment and several other AI quirks (every sim is overly social, even the ones with the Loner trait, for instance) make all of the sims behave too similarly, negative emotions are inconsequential, careers and aspirations are too easy, making money from work-at-home sources is so overpowered that your sims don't even need a career, and this game can't decide whether it wants TS2's player-as-almighty-deity rotational gameplay or TS3's inactive-households-play-themselves ant farm gameplay. There's a good game underneath there somewhere, but it's mostly a disorganized mess because the devs and executives can't agree on what TS4 is supposed to be. As a result, TS2 (a game that can run with no issues at all on hardware that would now be considered a toaster with all expansions, even the resource gluttons, "Seasons" and "Pets") is able to do more and be more in terms of gameplay depth. Not a good hardware requirements to game quality bump at all... :(
So, TS2 remains the best game in the series, in my opinion, even if TS4 has a few improvements that make playing with families more fun and make building a little easier, and I can't make a clear comparison between TS3 and TS4 just yet...