I'm adding these old instructions(Windows 7/to Windows 10) for updating Intel drivers. In case someone else needs the how to info. Before anyone updates a driver normally you are supposed to remove the older driver. Not just add a new one. However, you wouldn't do this if you don't have any VGA driver (MS) left in there until you install a new driver. (This happens if you built your pc and it didn't come from a manufacturer> they wouldn't have a VGA driver to fall back on).
I would advise before anyone updates to a new driver(since some new drivers to any card may cause more problems than it was worth) to always create a restore point so they can undo any changes to system settings and drivers etc. they installed. If you never do, then one day you may find out you wish you had. Some newer drivers really aren't worth updating to, for many diff. cards as I recently experienced with a new driver for AMD.
ETA: @fewlines, have you ever used ipiccy to lighten the skins or the outfits in your game? This also looks like when players have used ipiccy(photo editor) to lighten a skin but forgot to lighten both the head and body or vs versa.