Ava's Prequel, Part 4
This morning, Ava decided to cook pancakes for breakfast. This was her first time making them and she was afraid they'd turn out bad. Once she got them finished, she thought they didn't look too bad for a first attempt. These are pretty good, she thought. Not anything spectacular but not bad.
After taking care of her morning business, Ava called Monika for their early morning chat. "How are things going with you and Stiles?" Ava asked her friend. "Great! Our date last night was amazing, he was so romantic that he even played his guitar for me!" Ava thought that sounded wonderful. "I hope I can find someone who is that romantic," she said to Monika. "Don't worry, Ava. You'll find someone, I promise."
Once they hung up, Ava went to check her mail. She had a present from Monika but she ended up returning the gift as she needed to get her some transportation. I hope Monika never finds out I returned her gift, she thought.
Ava was upset when she found out she couldn't even afford a car. The lowest thing she could afford was a witches broom, but she didn't want that. "I know this bicycle is a bit more than what I can afford, but I'd rather have it," she told the sales clerk. "As long as you have the money for it, I can't refuse you, ma'am." So Ava bought the bicycle and took a ride around town. Afterwards, she headed to the park to hopefully meet some people.
There weren't too many people around at the park yet so Ava decided to look for seeds and mushrooms. She found a few seeds that she sold for money and a few she could keep to start a garden. By this time, more people had shown up at the park. Ava saw Gunther wave at her and a woman beside him motion for her to come over.
"Hello, Ava. I am Cornelia Crumplebottom Goth, Gunther's wife. He told me that you are a distant cousin of mine. I'd like to welcome you to the family." Ava was a bit surprised as she shook Cornelia's hand. "Mrs. Goth, excuse me if I sound rude, but are you a witch?" she asked. "I am, actually," Cornelia chuckled. "A level 8 to be exact but my sister Agnes did not inherit magical abilities like I did. I told her I could make her a Witches Brew, but she refused."
"Wait, there are potions to become a supernatural?" Ava asked in interest. "Of course there are, my dear," Cornelia replied. "It is better, of course, to make an elixir yourself as you'll be more powerful, but yes, you can become a supernatural very easily." Ava took this into consideration. She always thought she'd look great with a pair of fairy wings. "How do you make these elixirs?" Ava asked. Cornelia shrugged. "You can go to the alchemy store and use their alchemy station to learn the potion. Other than that, you have to buy or collect the proper ingredients." Ava thought that sounded more like a rich person's thing to do so she put it out of her mind as she talked with Cornelia.
Ava met her other distant cousin, Agnes Crumplebottom, as well. Agnes was nice but she seemed like she didn't really like being in crowded spaces. Agnes did say that she saw that Ava had similar eyes to Cornelia, though. Ava met some other Sims at the park as well, and she also talked with Gunther a bit.
When time came to go to work, Ava ran to the grocery store. She spent another three hours going through produce with Gus Hart. She even got praise for recommending the right apples for a pie. She walked out with another $88 paycheck.
Outside of the store, Ava introduced herself to many different people, including Susan Wainwright. Susan was very nice but neither she or Ava knew that their lives would collide in an unexpected way.
Ava wasn't too hungry so she just ate a bowl of cereal before heading for bed.
***And that is all for now. I'll be playing a little bit later today for tomorrow's updates.
Ava's skills
1. Cooking - 2