Kate Part 4:
One of Kate's tormentors, Noah he and his twin sister Lilah adore picking on Kate, her biggest issue is Mortimer but he seemed to be skipping school today.

At least Riley is there to keep the jerks away from Kate.

Reading alone after school.

Erika is getting worse....here she is putting the moves on Christopher Steel, she didn't even know Kate was watching the whole exchange.

Kate decided to try and stop her mother..

It didn't work..

Kate was so mad she picked a fight with Arlo Bunch, who never bothered her at school, he was just the first kid she saw..

Lilah heard the argument and decided to start in on Kate..

To Kate's complete shock her mother came over and tried to defuse the situation..

Erika told Kate to take a walk and calm down, Kate decided to ask Connor how Riley was doing since she hadn't seen him after school, Connor informed her that Riley had a bit of an upset stomach and came right home..

Meanwhile Erika was getting to know Christopher...

Very well...

VERY Well...

At least one of them enjoyed themselves..

Erika just wanted Christopher out of the house..

and told him to get out..he was not happy..

Kicked out in his jammies...how humiliating!

Kate came home and was still mad at her mother, but now she had proof that she had brought Christopher home..

She was mad at Christopher and told him he should stay away from her mother because she was trouble.

They actually had a really good chat after Kate told him how messed up her mother was.

It ended well for Christopher and Kate..

Kate was wiped out from the drama of her day, she crashed on her mother's bed.

Perhaps Erika was dreaming about how much she loves her daughter?

Erika got a phone call the next morning from Christopher saying that he didn't think it was a good idea for him to see her anymore. He asked if Kate was feeling better because she was pretty upset last night. Erika was pretty peeved about the phone call and took it out on Kate..

Kate couldn't take it anymore!

She had to get away from her mother..

She hid out at the park and skipped school.

Well she wanted to skip school but really needed to talk to Riley so she went..

After school Riley and Kate took off for Skillz..

They chatted for awhile..

Goofed around awhile..


Riley though a gift might cheer his favorite friend up..

It did cheer her up..

Both were tired so they went home..

Kate got home and her grandmother cleaned her immediately..

Elizabeth in a moment of niceness decided to read her granddaughter to sleep..

Even a kiss afterwards...

Followed by a shower to get rid of the werewolf stench! Baby Steps......
