Kate Part 8:
Kate and Riley were having fun at the park, after Riley told Mortimer off and he went home:

Grandma Elizabeth who was watching the kids from a safe distance to keep Kate's werewolf stench out of her delicate genie nose, smelled a stronger werewolf stench, the scent of an adult werewolf...oh lookie it was Thornton the jerk who broke her daughter's heart....she lit right into him!

Even calling his mother a pink poodle, and told him he broke Erika's heart into tiny pieces.

At the mention of his breaking Erika's heart he broke down crying...he never even wanted to leave her!

Elizabeth looks very pleased with his reaction.. >:) ever hear of an evil genie, she is one.

The kids were now playing on the trampoline, having a ball.

They went over to the bridge to talk.

Connor you i d i o t!! I need to fix this....

Over at Riley's house, having yet another chat about school and art..

Riley got very serious...(I have to believe he wanted to visit the cemetery)

So they went up to the Cemetery...had a serious chat about Kate's mother and her actions, she has been getting very mean lately..

She got really emotional, and wished she had a normal happy mother, and wanted to find her father.

Vlad was doing more spying on Kate and Erika for Thornton..

He took pictures of a nice big fight, he was beginning to wonder just want was wrong with Erika that she seemed to hate her daughter so much.

Meanwhile at Thornton's house, he was getting very sick of his workaholic wife, she wanted to do nothing but work, which was fine because he could barely stand the very sight of her, he was never in love with her...

She pretty much hated him too...

Vlad called Thornton and gave him an update....

He told Thornton how horribly Erika was behaving lately.

Vlad mentioned how poorly Kate was being treated.

He went to bed later and dreamed of Erika...

He woke up and decided he needed to talk face to face with Vlad..things needed to be stepped up.

After work Vlad visited Thornton and agreed things should be stepped up for the sake of Kate.

And for the sake of Erika, before she totally destroyed her life.

Ekkkkk!! Stop staring like that...Creeps me out when he does that! :o

Vlad doing more spying on Erika.......

Lotta showed up at The Grind.... <3

Pretty wild horse....

He does his job well, but it does border on stalker....