Kate Part 9:
Mostly adults and their issues today....(and boy do I have tons of material for
After Vlad's report as to Erika's behavior Thornton couldn't help himself, he
had to see her even if it was only for a few seconds. Morgana and Thornton's father were in kahoots, keeping Thornton on a very short leash so he would never have an opportunity to see Erika. Threats of the poorhouse and being written out of the will had been working for 9 years but Thornton had never forgotten about Erika. He snuck out after Morgana had fallen asleep and decided to see if Erika was at her favorite hang out.
She was....Thornton just stared, he couldn't move, she didn't see him as she was busy trying her best at the free throw game, throughly engrossed in what she was doing.

He snuck even closer, his heart was racing as he did not want to get caught, but she didn't turn around. He ran down the stairs and home before she could spot him. His mind was a jumble...he really needed to calm down.

Next morning Erika and her mom had a heart to heart, Erika had a dream about Thornton and how disappointed he would be with how she was acting, even though Erika still blamed him for how she had been hurting for the past 9 years.

Elizabeth told Erika that she should just try to forget about Thornton, he was just using her because she was young and adored him, Elizabeth had also had her heart stomped on and knew what she was talking about.

"Who broke your heart mom?"
"I'll tell you one of these days, but not today" Elizabeth replied. With that Elizabeth left the room.

The kids were at school so Erika decided to take a walk to the park, maybe the fresh air would help her clear her head of all the troubling thoughts that were surfacing. She felt that same wierd feeling she had in Bridgeport, that cold feeling like someone was watching her, she knew who it was before she even turned around.

What the H* LL was HE doing here?? Vlad tried to explain very quickly as he knew Erika would be peeved.

Erika was peeved but decided to hear him out, he told he he had recently bought a house here as the city was getting too dangerous for vampires, plus his ex girlfriend was also a psycho and he wanted to get away from her. It was a convincing tale and Erika believed it all.
They chatted for awhile and found out they had quite a bit in common, Erika asked if he had talked to Kate as Kate went on and on about him, Vlad this Vlad that...

He admitted he hadn't talked to her but if Erika agreed he would like to talk to her. Kate was also part of stepping the plan up, he was to befriend both Kate (already done) and Erika and keep tabs on them.

Erika decided Vlad wasn't half bad and even sat with him while having a snack.

Erika spotted Connor and wanted to ask him if he had seen Kate, Erika had not seen her since yesterday afternoon. Uh Oh...hearts... :o

Connor said that Riley asked if Kate could sleep over last night, he asked Kate if it was okay with her mom, and Kate said she had permission (a huge lie, not that her mother even missed her). Erika was not at all happy with her daughter.

Meanwhile Kate and Riley were hanging out at the park...

Doing homework with Holly, one of the older kids from school who was nice to Kate.

Riley was chatting with Jillian...(I love his cute expression here!)

Found out Jillian was a Ghost Hunter, this made her very interesting to Riley as he loved all things Ghost!


Erika had gone home for awhile but decided she didn't want to stay cooped up, and went back to the park, she was friends with Sam so they chatted..

...and got a good laugh out of Erika getting fired! :o

Kate wandered over when she saw her mom, luckily Erika was too deep in conversation to realize Kate was there or she may have blown up at Kate for her lying to Connor.

Vlad showed up later on, he needed to make sure he had Erika's trust, he had to keep her close and get her away form trouble, in the form of her many conquests. He was going to have to turn into a good listener.

..after awhile of frank conversation he could see she was starting to trust him, and also starting to crack, her shell was getting weaker.

More tomorrow.... :smiley:
Happy Raccoon!

Beau.... <3

Vlad konked out!

Mortimer peeving your teachers is NOT a good idea!

Now what is THIS all about, (I remembered her name is Isabella)...I thought she died or something as Connor was crying while thinking about her, I checked her house, she was fine....maybe she broke it off with him?? I didn't do anything about Connor and Isabella...I decided to let it play out.