Kate Part 17:
This one was fun, I had a huge cast..though probably could have accomplished what I wanted with a few clicks of a mouse if I had master controller...but then I wouldn't have over 80 screenshots of outtakes! ;)
Edward was sick of Thornton's whining about Morgana still being allowed to live in the house when they were in the beginning process of a divorce, so he put her up in a cute little starter home as he couldn't just throw her out on the street...(he's nicer than me!).

Morgana was quietly grumpy about the whole thing but had a plan brewing in her greedy little brain..

A few weeks later Edward decided to check up on Morgana and see how she was faring..

Edward was shocked to see a bit of a belly on Morgana, he wondered if this could be Thornton's child..

Edward commented on her new rounder shape, Morgana acted very happy about the whole thing...smug even.

"Is that Thornton's child?" Edward quizzed...

"I'm just asking and I'd like the truth."

"What are you implying old man??" Morgana practically yelled..

"I'm just saying, Thornton has expressed concern that you may be up to something as you left the house, and him without too much trouble. He figured you might at least fight a little."

"I have nothing to fight about, this is his child and I will prove it to everyone after it is born."

Morgana excused herself to use the bathroom then came back out to see Edward out....she realized her mistake too late but hoped the old man had cruddy eyesight or just plain didn't notice that she had forgot to put her fake baby pillow back under her shirt after she peed.
**Oh Crud.....she seems to be saying to herself**

He didn't seem to notice and Morgana relaxed for the next few months before her fake due date...making sure to wear her pillow whenever she went out in public.
The due date was rapidly approaching so Morgana got on the phone and ordered herself a baby, under an alias of course. She picked a girl as she figured a girl would melt Thornton's heart and he would
have to take her back.
The social worker showed up and unceremoniously dumped the wee babe in the living room then took off, not even checking if the new parent was a psycho (in this case it might have been advised to double check)!! :o

Morgana was totally gleeful! "Oh, she's a beauty, Thornton will love her!"

She was so happy she hightailed it over to Thornton's with the wee tot in tow....
"I'd like you to meet your daughter!" she gushed...

Thornton looked at the child then at Morgana then again at the child...
"Thornton, what's wrong?" Morgana asked

"Do you think I'm a total i*d*i*o*t?? Werewolf plus genie does NOT equal Fairy and that baby is clearly a fairy!"

Oh c*r*a*p Morgana thought to herself....she was so excited about getting back into the money that the fact that this child was a fairy baby never entered her mind.
"You should take care of her regardless, you need to take me back!" Morgana begged
"You need to realize that I never loved you and never will love you and don't want anything to do with this child or you ever again! Now get out of my sight! My father will be notified that you are not to have anything to do with us or our money again." Thornton was fed up with her and her scheming...

"but...but..." Morgana tried to think of another tack...
"Get the h*e*l*l out of here!!" Thornton screamed

"Fine! But you're keeping her, I don't want her!" with that Morgana vanished leaving behind the child.
WITCH Thornton thought to himself...he stared down at the helpless child and muttered to himself, well I guess we're keeping you little one.

All the screaming had Bunter out of bed to see what in the world was going on..he got to the bottom of the steps and pushed past Thornton as if he was being dragged, something was pulling his heartstrings..It was true love at first sight, this wee child was meant to be his. He picked her up gently...

"Where did she come from?" he asked Thornton..Thornton filled him in on all the sorted details.
"So she needs a parent?" Bunter asked hopefully...

"She sure does" Thornton answered
"Can I please adopt her?" Bunter asked hoping and praying for a yes from Thornton
"Sure, she really seems to like you!" Thornton answered a smile on his face...

Bunter took his new daughter into the house and poofed a crib for her...

"Don't worry about anything honey, I'm your new daddy and I'll take care of you"

@lanlyn , You get to name her since Bunter is a hero and he is yours! :)
Outtakes and silliness.....................
Thin Morgana talking to pregnant Morgana

Edward digging in the trash....

Holy Cow, what IS it with Isabelle?? First Connor then Thornton!

The whole "cast" of this fiasco! There are so many babies and pregnancies as I got the wrong kind of baby (as in the genie kid Thornton number 2 is holding)...and needed others for certain screenshots (the social worker obviously only delivers human babies).

This Morgana and Bunter obviously had issues with each other...(I had nothing to do with this, but it sure was fun to watch!)

You get too close to a fight you risk personal damage!!

2 of the Morganas went into labor right after I offed the third unneeded one....

After the birth of their kids, both boys (Travis and Aric), I tweaked them into a lesbian couple and they are now living in my library, until I need them.

I couldn't forget my beautiful boy! He looks a bit scary... <3