@bekkasan Charlottesmom is right,all depends on what type wall you put it on,that one I used has a thick molding if that was not there would be entire pattern.They lay evenly like my signs I make on buildings naturally "Sims 3 was made better than people give it credit" but If I made a sign on something with any border unless I put the pattern on the border too would be cut out.Got to find examples now
Example...on my H**ters sign in my game the sign I made was put on a solid blank no border paint wall and is perfect
Closer up
Now same thing as above but what happens this time if the style you choose has a pre border,border occupies the space of the image...see this was a thin border used intentionally cause I liked it knowing full well it would slightly cut off a tiny bit but you could easily compensate when making your pattern to work with anything
Any border cuts off exactly the space as a border occupies,if none then you get full image
Another example I shown people back in the day was making my drive thru McDonalds menu
That wooden border below top of panel,that exact amount of my menu will be cut off
Now if used flat paint would be whole image BUT even stuff with a border if you use same pattern on it the game recognizes it and only!!! adds what is missing prior to that.So if put my stained glass on molding would exactly match up