Alright sim photographers, from beginners to advanced, let's see what you got! I want to see what your favorite pictures in the game that you've taken. Here is one of mine to get it started. Let me tell you, it was so difficult to choose just one, so this is really only the beginning.
@coco your wonderful autumn calendar picture reminded me of a 2017 calendar I made. Went digging through my folders of screenshots to find my favorite -
This is the picture I thought of when I first read the topic of this thread. I thought I had lost it but in digging around on my D drive I found where I had saved many of my pictures from my Imac. It is from 2014 before I had any lighting mods or starfield CC, etc. One of the reasons I like it is because it was the first time I thought to place the camera behind the couple who were gazing at the stars.
It would be easier to choose a favorite by category, like a favorite scenery screenshot, a favorite with a crazy situation, a favorite funny one... But I don't have that many screenshots, ~500, so I believe this is my favorite:
The family enjoying a day at the beach in Moonlight Falls.
I never remember to hide the plumbobs and other markers before taking screenshots. :s
I suspect that long-time simmers would have a hard time choosing favourite pics if they are anything like me and take thousands :p Perhaps you should narrow down the scope of this thread by making it "Favourite in-game pic of the day/week/month"?
This has to be one of my favourite screenshots of River and Haruo With the exception of the one in my avatar.
This is one of my favourite scenery shots. It isn't anything special but I loved the twilight colours.
I have lots of other favourites, but I stuck three others under a spoiler. Two shots of my sims I particularly love, and one of Al Simhara that I really liked as well.
When Ethan became Ethan and adopted a dog in a parallel universe where he was a magician and lived in Appaloosa Plains. I had this picture printed and I love how happy he is with his puppy.