Forum Discussion
6 years ago
As his cell connected and rang, it felt like time was moving at double speed. His heart raced and his palms started to sweat. When her phone rang, Shari was reading the Sunday paper on the deck, piggy snoozing next to her. "Hello Adrastria, it's me" said the voice on the other end. "I hope I am not interrupting anything" Ammon said. "No no of course not." She replied and then added "Hi" in a voice so soft she barely recognized it as her own. Ammon, however, was instantly transported to nights on his back porch looking up at the stars with her. The softness of her voice as she gazed in graced wonder... "I was wondering if you had any plans today? I'd like to see you if I may." His deep voice almost jittery with anxious anticipation. "I was planning on taking PiggyGirl out to a park as soon as I was done with the morning paper, but that's it. Have you spoken to Niella?" Now it was Shari that was nervous. She knew that if he said no that she'd also have to tell him no, and that was about as opposite from what she wanted as possible. "Yes, I have. Can I see you? Maybe accompany you and Piggygirl to this park?" Ammon asked, hopefully. His answer washed such a sense of excitement over her she burst out giggling when she noticed that Piggygirl, hearing her favorite word, had awoke. "Well she's heard me now, so I suppose you'll just have to." She said, "It's on the main island so we can swing by and pick you up on our way over. No use in taking two vehicles." she added.
As Shari got Piggygirl into the truck and headed over, Ammon walked up the dock and footpath to wait for Shari up at the road. When they got to the to Ichtaca Community Gardens gate, Piggygirl raced ahead, excited to explore a new place.
"What a beautiful park!" Shari exclaimed. "It is. I use to bring Niella here when she was little. I thought since she had no yard it was a great place for her to feel grounded, so to speak. Have you never been here?" Ammon asked. Just as Shari was about to answer she felt a cold, wet nose pressing a stick into her hand. Giggling she said "Oh it's time to play, is it?" and took the stick to play fetch. After a few throws, however, Piggygirl trotted off with the stick. "Well! I guess we're done with that game" Shari said, giggling again. "Well, why don't you show me around since you've been here before" Shari suggested, answering Ammon's question from earlier.
They wandered through the garden, reading the various labels on garden stakes describing what each plant was while Piggygirl romped about, sniffing this plant, chasing that bug. After a bit Shari stopped and turned to face Ammon. "So what did you and Niella talk about? Does she still hate me?" Shari asked pensively. "Hate?? No no Adrastria, she doesn't hate anyone." Ammon said tenderly as he took Shari's hand, his deep voice soothing. "In fact she lead me to believe she is quite fond of you. She's just still a bit confused. She still remembers the pain of growing up without you, how she worried after you so. I think that maybe you two should try to find some time to talk." "She worried about me??" Shari questioned, never having had the thought cross her mind and pained by guilt at the knowledge. "Yes, I guess she thought you were locked away in a castle somewhere in need of rescue" Ammon chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. He took Shari's other hand and squeezed it reassuringly. "Believe me, Adrastria, I would not be here if I felt any worry. She was, in fact, the person who gave me your number... Right before she told me to call you." This eased Shari a bit, though she still felt guilt. She smiled softly before turning to continue on.
"Oh my! How I do miss my garden fresh tomatoes! I talked my parents into allowing me to have a small garden back home, though we didn't really need any food besides fish and kelp. I told them it would help teach me patience. It, instead, taught us all how much delicious food we had missed out on." Shari shared, nostalgically remembering her childhood. Ammon reached down and plucked a particularly fat and juicy tomato off the vine and walked over to the fountain to give it a rinse. Handing it to Shari he watched as she bit into it with great relish, juice dripping off her chin. Hapimou loved to watch Adrastria enjoy, well, just about anything. He could still see the innocent young woman he had met so many years ago, the abandon joy she took in things. He was mesmerized by her. He always had been. Shari tossed the last bites to Piggy and wiped her chin with the back of her hand. "You missed a spot." Ammon said, gently wiping the spot off her cheek with his thumb. She held Hapi's hand to her face for a minute and closed her eyes. She had missed his touch so much.
After a moment she let go of his hand and looked into his eyes. He could still see the pain in his love's eyes, the result of unfinished and unsettled emotions. "Oh Hapi, what should I do?" she pled. "Listen, why don't you call Karlie and see if the girls are up for a visit. Maybe then you can talk to Niella. I'll go round up Piggygirl. How does that sound?" Adrastria was so grateful for Hapimou's understanding. She desperately wanted to be with him but she just could not begin to let go of the guilt she tormented herself with and allow herself to be happy until she had earned Niella's forgiveness. When Karlie answered, however, she told her mom that they were all on the way to the Summer Festival and invited them to meet them there.
After dropping Piggygirl off at home, the two drove to the Summer Fest. As they turned the corner they saw Niella standing at the ice cream truck parked across the street from the festival. "Why don't you hop out here and I'll go park the truck" Ammon suggested. "Thank you" she said as she opened up the door and stepped out. As Shari walked toward Niella, Ammon slid into the driver's seat and pulled away. Before saying anything she steeled herself. She didn't expect forgiveness but she desperately wanted it. "Uh, hi kiddo" she said from behind, startling Niella and causing her to drop her frozen bunny pop.
"Oh my gosh! Oh honey I'm sorry! Here, let me get you another!" Shari said, slightly panicked. "No no, it's ok. The best part about being pregnant is that I get to eat whatever I want, but these days jelly bean isn't leaving me much room, I was already starting to feel full but I just was craving a taste." Niella reassured her. "Are you sure? I don't mind. I was hoping we could maybe find a nice place to talk?" Shari asked timidly. "No, I'm sure, it's fine. But there's a nice spot over here if you'd like to talk. I use to eat my lunch here when I worked at the bookstore across the street in high school." Niella responded. They walked through the small little park, sitting down on a bench at a nice secluded spot near a statue. "I suppose you have a lot of questions..." Shari said tentatively.
"Just one. You said we were no longer in danger, so why didn't you look for us? Dad spent years trying to find you... Didn't you want to find us??" Niella asked. Shari closed her eyes trying not to cry. The last thing she wanted was for Niella to feel guilty about anything she asked. "Of course I looked for you. When they abolished the law keeping us apart, and I took the relic back to my people, I went back to Egypt to look for you and your father, but both of our homes had been empty for years. I called his old work, Morucorp, and they said that he hadn't worked there since I left. When I came back to Sunlit Tides I worked extra shifts to save enough money to hire a private investigator but his trail went cold right where mine did - the day I left. Of course he was looking for Kynthia Mesbah, Kynthia Economos. I even ran personal ads in Egyptian newspapers off and on, hoping your father would see them. Every effort led to heartbreak. You have to understand, too, that when I left you and your dad I had nothing. I knew nothing of the world, except what I learned from watching old TV shows with your dad. I had no idea how to even get a job, or a house for that matter." She lifted her eyes and looked at Niella. "Leaving you was devastating. Paralyzing. But I had Karlie that I had to provide for, so I had to just keep moving forward. Every day. But please know, you and your father never left my thoughts."
Niella sat and took in what Shari said. The anger she had felt melted away and in it's place was a new kind of pain - the pain of seeing someone you love hurting. She had never thought about how foreign this world must have been for her mother or how overwhelming and even frightening those things must have been, especially with a baby. "You know, my father says that the two things I wanted most in the world growing up are right here, right now." Niella looked out, away from her mother. "But he's wrong. I'm not that little girl anymore. You'll never be able to be that mom, the mom I needed growing up. We will never be able to get back what we've lost. We can't go back in time. I still felt that pain growing up without the mother I so desperately needed. But it wasn't your fault, I know that now. You did what you had to. It's no one's fault." Niella looked at Shari and said it again. "It's no one's fault. I understand why you left. I do. And I'm sorry I wasn't very understanding of everything you've been through. I mean, my dad didn't even have to worry about putting food on the table, literally." Shari looked at Niella, tears welling in her eyes. Niella had said the one thing that Shari so desperately needed - that she understood. Shari let the silence hang in the air while she thought of how to respond. "I know you're not that little girl. And I know I'll never be able to be that mother. But I would very much like to be someone to you, now. If you'd rather not have that, I will respect it no matter how much it..." her voice trailed. "However we move forward is up to you." she finished. Niella looked to her mother, tears welling in her eyes. "I know you can't be the mother I needed then. But maybe you can be the mother I need now?" The lump in Shari's throat felt immovable. The dam holding the well of her tears from spilling broke and they tumbled from her eyes, falling on her cheeks like little high divers splashing into a deep pool. She managed to eke out "I'd like that very much" before she wrapped her daughter in her arms. They sat like that, holding each other, until their tears were finished saying the things tears do.
After the girls walked across the street to join everyone else, Shari gave Niella's hand a quick squeeze and headed for the washroom. The boys were already indulging their playful competitiveness seeing who could block more soccer goals. Niella spotted her dad walking quickly over to her. Noticing her puffy eyes, he placed his hand on her shoulder and asked tentatively if she was ok. "Yeah Dad, everything is wonderful." she said, unable to hide her happiness. He realized this wasn't the place to ask for details so when Niella chirped "Oooh! Snowcones!" after spying the snow cone cart, he just gave her shoulder a gentle caress, smiled and nodded towards the cart. Niella smiled back and waddled off to get a cone. Ammon spotted Shari staring at the rollerskating rink as she stepped out of the washroom and headed toward her. After a little encouragement he was able to get Shari on the rink with him.
When Niella was done with her snow cone she noticed Karlie watching their parents on the rink, and walked over to join her. "Boy, this one sure is rambunctious today!" Karlie said, patting her belly. Niella just stood quietly watching her parents. "Everything ok, sis?" Karlie finally asked. "Everything's good, sis." Niella answered serenely. "Weird, but good." They stood together in silence for a moment as they both took in the enormity of the last two days. "Whoooa ohh AH!" Shari squealed, arms waiving frantically as she tried to maintain her balance. The girls couldn't help but snicker. "Careful, Mom!" Karlie called to her.
As soon as he noticed her having a little trouble, Ammon scooted in behind Shari and grabbed her by the elbow for stability. "There you go, steady, you got this" he encouraged, his deep but soft voice full of love and amusement. "They are pretty stinkin' cute together, though, aren't they?" Karlie giggled. "They were made for each other" Niella said wistfully. She realized she hadn't even thought to ask Karlie how she was feeling about it all. Niella turned to face Karlie. "How's everything with you, sis?" She asked. It was a simple enough question that encompassed all of the complexity of the last two days. "Me?" Karlie asked. "Good. Things are good. Weird - really weird - but good." she answered. "Don't look now, but I think your favorite carnivore is on his way over here looking like a starving puppy" she added with a sniggle.
As predicted, when Connor got to the girls he asked "Hey, Ny? I was wondering what we were thinking about doing for dinner. All you've had is a snow cone. I'm sure The Bean is probably hungry for something a little more than flavored ice." Karlie threw her head back laughing as Niella, stifling a giggle of her own said "Oh? And what do you think The Bean would like for dinner, honey?" "Oh, I don't know, I think The Bean might be craving cheese steak sandwiches on a day like this." Connor said, hopefully. Niella smiled, charmed by his boyish enthusiasm for food. "Cheese steak sandwiches it is then. Why don't you go tell everyone and see if you can spot a picnic table, honey." she said. After Connor stepped away, she turned back towards Karlie, smiling and said "Yep. Apparently weird is what we do." and then gave Karlie, her actual sister, a hug. As she made her way to the picnic tables the boys had scooted together, the rest of the family sat there chatting among themselves. "Just the very normal chatter of a very weird family" Niella thought to herself. "My family." and suddenly she was overcome with gratitude. There were no other people alive that she wanted to face the future with, any adventure, any challenge. Shari looked up to see her daughter just gazing at her family. Smiling, she just nodded her head ever so slightly. She knew exactly what Niella was thinking, and she couldn't have agreed more.
As Shari got Piggygirl into the truck and headed over, Ammon walked up the dock and footpath to wait for Shari up at the road. When they got to the to Ichtaca Community Gardens gate, Piggygirl raced ahead, excited to explore a new place.
"What a beautiful park!" Shari exclaimed. "It is. I use to bring Niella here when she was little. I thought since she had no yard it was a great place for her to feel grounded, so to speak. Have you never been here?" Ammon asked. Just as Shari was about to answer she felt a cold, wet nose pressing a stick into her hand. Giggling she said "Oh it's time to play, is it?" and took the stick to play fetch. After a few throws, however, Piggygirl trotted off with the stick. "Well! I guess we're done with that game" Shari said, giggling again. "Well, why don't you show me around since you've been here before" Shari suggested, answering Ammon's question from earlier.
They wandered through the garden, reading the various labels on garden stakes describing what each plant was while Piggygirl romped about, sniffing this plant, chasing that bug. After a bit Shari stopped and turned to face Ammon. "So what did you and Niella talk about? Does she still hate me?" Shari asked pensively. "Hate?? No no Adrastria, she doesn't hate anyone." Ammon said tenderly as he took Shari's hand, his deep voice soothing. "In fact she lead me to believe she is quite fond of you. She's just still a bit confused. She still remembers the pain of growing up without you, how she worried after you so. I think that maybe you two should try to find some time to talk." "She worried about me??" Shari questioned, never having had the thought cross her mind and pained by guilt at the knowledge. "Yes, I guess she thought you were locked away in a castle somewhere in need of rescue" Ammon chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. He took Shari's other hand and squeezed it reassuringly. "Believe me, Adrastria, I would not be here if I felt any worry. She was, in fact, the person who gave me your number... Right before she told me to call you." This eased Shari a bit, though she still felt guilt. She smiled softly before turning to continue on.
"Oh my! How I do miss my garden fresh tomatoes! I talked my parents into allowing me to have a small garden back home, though we didn't really need any food besides fish and kelp. I told them it would help teach me patience. It, instead, taught us all how much delicious food we had missed out on." Shari shared, nostalgically remembering her childhood. Ammon reached down and plucked a particularly fat and juicy tomato off the vine and walked over to the fountain to give it a rinse. Handing it to Shari he watched as she bit into it with great relish, juice dripping off her chin. Hapimou loved to watch Adrastria enjoy, well, just about anything. He could still see the innocent young woman he had met so many years ago, the abandon joy she took in things. He was mesmerized by her. He always had been. Shari tossed the last bites to Piggy and wiped her chin with the back of her hand. "You missed a spot." Ammon said, gently wiping the spot off her cheek with his thumb. She held Hapi's hand to her face for a minute and closed her eyes. She had missed his touch so much.
After a moment she let go of his hand and looked into his eyes. He could still see the pain in his love's eyes, the result of unfinished and unsettled emotions. "Oh Hapi, what should I do?" she pled. "Listen, why don't you call Karlie and see if the girls are up for a visit. Maybe then you can talk to Niella. I'll go round up Piggygirl. How does that sound?" Adrastria was so grateful for Hapimou's understanding. She desperately wanted to be with him but she just could not begin to let go of the guilt she tormented herself with and allow herself to be happy until she had earned Niella's forgiveness. When Karlie answered, however, she told her mom that they were all on the way to the Summer Festival and invited them to meet them there.
After dropping Piggygirl off at home, the two drove to the Summer Fest. As they turned the corner they saw Niella standing at the ice cream truck parked across the street from the festival. "Why don't you hop out here and I'll go park the truck" Ammon suggested. "Thank you" she said as she opened up the door and stepped out. As Shari walked toward Niella, Ammon slid into the driver's seat and pulled away. Before saying anything she steeled herself. She didn't expect forgiveness but she desperately wanted it. "Uh, hi kiddo" she said from behind, startling Niella and causing her to drop her frozen bunny pop.
"Oh my gosh! Oh honey I'm sorry! Here, let me get you another!" Shari said, slightly panicked. "No no, it's ok. The best part about being pregnant is that I get to eat whatever I want, but these days jelly bean isn't leaving me much room, I was already starting to feel full but I just was craving a taste." Niella reassured her. "Are you sure? I don't mind. I was hoping we could maybe find a nice place to talk?" Shari asked timidly. "No, I'm sure, it's fine. But there's a nice spot over here if you'd like to talk. I use to eat my lunch here when I worked at the bookstore across the street in high school." Niella responded. They walked through the small little park, sitting down on a bench at a nice secluded spot near a statue. "I suppose you have a lot of questions..." Shari said tentatively.
"Just one. You said we were no longer in danger, so why didn't you look for us? Dad spent years trying to find you... Didn't you want to find us??" Niella asked. Shari closed her eyes trying not to cry. The last thing she wanted was for Niella to feel guilty about anything she asked. "Of course I looked for you. When they abolished the law keeping us apart, and I took the relic back to my people, I went back to Egypt to look for you and your father, but both of our homes had been empty for years. I called his old work, Morucorp, and they said that he hadn't worked there since I left. When I came back to Sunlit Tides I worked extra shifts to save enough money to hire a private investigator but his trail went cold right where mine did - the day I left. Of course he was looking for Kynthia Mesbah, Kynthia Economos. I even ran personal ads in Egyptian newspapers off and on, hoping your father would see them. Every effort led to heartbreak. You have to understand, too, that when I left you and your dad I had nothing. I knew nothing of the world, except what I learned from watching old TV shows with your dad. I had no idea how to even get a job, or a house for that matter." She lifted her eyes and looked at Niella. "Leaving you was devastating. Paralyzing. But I had Karlie that I had to provide for, so I had to just keep moving forward. Every day. But please know, you and your father never left my thoughts."
Niella sat and took in what Shari said. The anger she had felt melted away and in it's place was a new kind of pain - the pain of seeing someone you love hurting. She had never thought about how foreign this world must have been for her mother or how overwhelming and even frightening those things must have been, especially with a baby. "You know, my father says that the two things I wanted most in the world growing up are right here, right now." Niella looked out, away from her mother. "But he's wrong. I'm not that little girl anymore. You'll never be able to be that mom, the mom I needed growing up. We will never be able to get back what we've lost. We can't go back in time. I still felt that pain growing up without the mother I so desperately needed. But it wasn't your fault, I know that now. You did what you had to. It's no one's fault." Niella looked at Shari and said it again. "It's no one's fault. I understand why you left. I do. And I'm sorry I wasn't very understanding of everything you've been through. I mean, my dad didn't even have to worry about putting food on the table, literally." Shari looked at Niella, tears welling in her eyes. Niella had said the one thing that Shari so desperately needed - that she understood. Shari let the silence hang in the air while she thought of how to respond. "I know you're not that little girl. And I know I'll never be able to be that mother. But I would very much like to be someone to you, now. If you'd rather not have that, I will respect it no matter how much it..." her voice trailed. "However we move forward is up to you." she finished. Niella looked to her mother, tears welling in her eyes. "I know you can't be the mother I needed then. But maybe you can be the mother I need now?" The lump in Shari's throat felt immovable. The dam holding the well of her tears from spilling broke and they tumbled from her eyes, falling on her cheeks like little high divers splashing into a deep pool. She managed to eke out "I'd like that very much" before she wrapped her daughter in her arms. They sat like that, holding each other, until their tears were finished saying the things tears do.
After the girls walked across the street to join everyone else, Shari gave Niella's hand a quick squeeze and headed for the washroom. The boys were already indulging their playful competitiveness seeing who could block more soccer goals. Niella spotted her dad walking quickly over to her. Noticing her puffy eyes, he placed his hand on her shoulder and asked tentatively if she was ok. "Yeah Dad, everything is wonderful." she said, unable to hide her happiness. He realized this wasn't the place to ask for details so when Niella chirped "Oooh! Snowcones!" after spying the snow cone cart, he just gave her shoulder a gentle caress, smiled and nodded towards the cart. Niella smiled back and waddled off to get a cone. Ammon spotted Shari staring at the rollerskating rink as she stepped out of the washroom and headed toward her. After a little encouragement he was able to get Shari on the rink with him.
When Niella was done with her snow cone she noticed Karlie watching their parents on the rink, and walked over to join her. "Boy, this one sure is rambunctious today!" Karlie said, patting her belly. Niella just stood quietly watching her parents. "Everything ok, sis?" Karlie finally asked. "Everything's good, sis." Niella answered serenely. "Weird, but good." They stood together in silence for a moment as they both took in the enormity of the last two days. "Whoooa ohh AH!" Shari squealed, arms waiving frantically as she tried to maintain her balance. The girls couldn't help but snicker. "Careful, Mom!" Karlie called to her.
As soon as he noticed her having a little trouble, Ammon scooted in behind Shari and grabbed her by the elbow for stability. "There you go, steady, you got this" he encouraged, his deep but soft voice full of love and amusement. "They are pretty stinkin' cute together, though, aren't they?" Karlie giggled. "They were made for each other" Niella said wistfully. She realized she hadn't even thought to ask Karlie how she was feeling about it all. Niella turned to face Karlie. "How's everything with you, sis?" She asked. It was a simple enough question that encompassed all of the complexity of the last two days. "Me?" Karlie asked. "Good. Things are good. Weird - really weird - but good." she answered. "Don't look now, but I think your favorite carnivore is on his way over here looking like a starving puppy" she added with a sniggle.
As predicted, when Connor got to the girls he asked "Hey, Ny? I was wondering what we were thinking about doing for dinner. All you've had is a snow cone. I'm sure The Bean is probably hungry for something a little more than flavored ice." Karlie threw her head back laughing as Niella, stifling a giggle of her own said "Oh? And what do you think The Bean would like for dinner, honey?" "Oh, I don't know, I think The Bean might be craving cheese steak sandwiches on a day like this." Connor said, hopefully. Niella smiled, charmed by his boyish enthusiasm for food. "Cheese steak sandwiches it is then. Why don't you go tell everyone and see if you can spot a picnic table, honey." she said. After Connor stepped away, she turned back towards Karlie, smiling and said "Yep. Apparently weird is what we do." and then gave Karlie, her actual sister, a hug. As she made her way to the picnic tables the boys had scooted together, the rest of the family sat there chatting among themselves. "Just the very normal chatter of a very weird family" Niella thought to herself. "My family." and suddenly she was overcome with gratitude. There were no other people alive that she wanted to face the future with, any adventure, any challenge. Shari looked up to see her daughter just gazing at her family. Smiling, she just nodded her head ever so slightly. She knew exactly what Niella was thinking, and she couldn't have agreed more.
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