@KaikoMikkusu You've put a lot of thought into this! I am impressed. You're right, they are quite the unique sims. Apollo might not have the exact same hair color, but one thing I like about him is the extreme variance between his skin color and his light hair. I think it looks awesome! Other than physical characteristics, the Wainwrights are also quite the "strange" family. Strange, in a good way of course. Different. They have interesting traits, clothing choices, and looks. So maybe you're on to something with them being descended right some supernatural beings! Man, this theory is making me feel very bad about purging every IF that enters my game. :lol: Of course, if my saves were more supernatural oriented, I'd keep them around. :tongue:
Oh my gosh, that picture! Haha! Adorable! Mint green is fantastic color. Humorously enough, I have a bottle of this waiting for my hair to fade enough:
(The site didn't want to load for me >.>)
Hahaha! Yay! Happy to be apart of it. All this time I've been sleeping on this cutie! Now I am wondering how many other sims I'd love if I just bothered to age them down....hmmm... :tongue:
By the way, I love your new avatar! It's adorable! What's it from? :3