hello fellow simmers! so i'm pretty sure this has been done before but i thought i may as well do it again because i'm always curious!! if you don't have supernatural, any creature that is not considered real in our world counts too! (unicorns, plumbots etc...) please feel free to share photos too! i always love seeing what people are doing in their game, especially with supernaturals (they can make the game infinitely interesting...) mine would probably have to be vampires. i love playing with vamps, they are so much fun and you can make some awesome stories with them. here is my favourite vampy i've ever made:
this is Elise Arrington, a beautiful but deadly vampy i love so much. https://i.imgur.com/1pZUMcT.jpg https://i.imgur.com/Dv2HlYU.jpg
@Amphora they are all pretty cool. Also can we talk about your photos? AMAZING! I love them so much, your sims are so cute oh my gosh! Mostly deadly...but still cute :) @ChocoCub I also have a confession to make: neither have I. Yeah....I've played the sims 3 for how many years now and I still have no idea how to get an alien/plant sim. Anyone want to help me out? Haha. @Pinkusfamily Yay!! Finally, someone else whose favourite is vampires!! To be honest, I found the sims 4 vampires kinda boring??? I don't know why. I think because you had to level up to get your abilities and stuff. I found that annoying. But oh my gosh! How can we ever forget about mummies??? Love your photo by the way @Pinkusfamily ! I know @Magdaleena it's so hard!! The sims 3 has so many to choose from!! That's probably why it's my favourite game hehe <3
Love the topic. Have been lurking (they make great and powerful pictures) and in the meantime collected screenshots in Draft to add my personal contribution. So, here it is.
I love supernaturals and tried them all out. Genies are my favourite because they come as they are, which I find cool B) Plus I love their powers. And the friendly pink cloud they leave behind when hovering. And the cute way they spread their fingers when they land. And the autonomous positions they randomly slip into sometimes, just to show off who they are. I love their perfect meals, their clean houses, the way they never smell unpleasant and the way they can take over control of other sims for a few hours.
The first genie I played was Dorian. The son my heir had with one of the first genies that had been freed from the lamp.
I played genies for generations and the only reason I don't anymore is because it's lazy to always hang around in your comfort zone, right? :p But I miss them in my household (there are still family members of my current sim who are genies). My favourite genie was Silas, Dorian's grandson.
Close second for me are the witches, Demyan being my favourite. I created him; he married Dorian's daughter and is Silas' dad.
The rest of the life states are really nice to play too, also because it just makes great story material. I know I should only post my favourites, but I enjoyed playing them all. So, here's my gallery, between spoiler tags not to burden the topic too much. A celebration of those special creatures that have always spiced up my game.
My favourite vampire, Shayne, who fell so hopelessly in love with my heir Raven.
Here she met his clan (posted because I love this picture :grimace:).
Fairies (must confess they've always been a bit disappointing to me)
Plantsims. Bryony and her boyfriend Lavender. I never played them when University was released because they didn't appeal to me, but I was pleasantly surprised! I don't like their colour though. Like I don't like the original genie colour but at least they can get 'normal' looking offspring.
Aliens! Ugly but the look suits them and they're really fun to play with.
Werewolves, for me disappointing as well. Not least because this boy lost his customized look everytime I reopened the game.
Mermaids. Love the concept, not so much the implementation. For one they should have had powerboat speed, right? Right. That just would have been way more sexy, plus it wouldn't have mattered then they will always choose water to travel through. Which as such makes sense, but not like some pedalo.
Mummies. Absolutely love them as a tomb ingredient (and being cursed by one opens the road to one of the most amazing features in this game). Never played them so I have no idea if that's fun.
And last but not least, the Imaginary Friend. Most of the time I hate those creepy dolls in my toddler's inventories, but freeing one definitely is fun.
It's a tough choice between fairies and witches. Both have lots of great gameplay but the fairies win my vote.
This is Stella Starlight.
And her husband who is an elf. Not a very flattering picture though :/
I generally don't rate werewolves because they scratch the furniture. This drives me crazy. However I am fond of Gorn who lives with Dave the Wizard. No it is not that kind of relationship. That would shock Nigel the Cat who lives with them and besides which (geddit) Dave has an eye for the ladies.
Finally I do make vampires but are not keen on playing them in game.
@Hejix I've never played with ghosts either! Wow, I really need to delve deeper into the supernatural world of the sims. @JoAnne65 I love your photos so much!! Your genie family sounds awesome, like wow. I love that photo of Raven meeting the clan!! Looks amazing. I do agree with you about imaginary friends, they are really creepy most of the time. @Bettyboop55 fairies are super cute!! I hate it when werewolves scratch up the furniture too! So annoying!!!
I had a lot of fun with this family. Beau Merrick (vampire) married Lotta Greaves (fire ghost). Their eldest son was human but the other kids were ghost/vampires. Once they had finished having kids, Beau harvested a plantsim baby :) The blue teens were born as ghosts but I gave them Ambrosia on aging up to teen. The blue skin is from Lotta. https://live.staticflickr.com/4320/35707747660_01bc40c699_o.jpg The ghost kids scared each other and other members of the family non-stop and Beau, being evil, also did his fair share of scaring :D https://live.staticflickr.com/4305/35675094660_7279e0fbf6_o.jpg
Witches are my favorite! Though fairies make gardening a breeze, there's nothing like walking into a party, setting love spells on half the guests, then running away to watch the chaos!
I have not played the genies yet, but that was a lovely description @JoAnne65 , made me want to try them next! I read this thread, see post #10. I think you've said you have MC, I am guessing it still works. I don't edit in CAS while in-game, since I play unmodded; but the werewolfs originally created in CAS and given personalized appearance there before starting a game have been fine for me. This is Luka Trope, with in-game daughter, after 5 weeks with moon cycle set to two days: