Re: Sims 3 won't open: Alder Lake (Intel 12th-gen) CPU
Okay, so i was scrolling through this here thread and I seen some people didn't quite understand my method and I'd like to repost it with some extra details.
The Task Manager Method:
Turn on The Sims 3 Launcher along with the task manager
before clicking play, go to details on the Task Manger and
scroll down and look for "Sims3Launcher.exe" when you find it,
left click it and click "Set affinity" once that window pops up
unselect the "All processers" box then check the box that says
"CPU 1".
After doing that, click OK and minimize the task manager and click play.
Once the game loads up, go back to the task manager and check the
"All processers" box and turn off the task manager then enjoy your game!
If you play on fullscreen, you'll have to use CTRL+ALT+DELETE to get to the task manager to select all processers again,
If you want to make it easier on yourself, you should turn the game to windowed mode everytime you turn it off.
If you don't understand text (like myself sometimes) I made a video about it, I'll link it.
The Video Mentioned:
I hope this is of help, I'll try to check this thread more often if anyone needs help but for now, I'll see ya'll on the flip side.