Platform: Xbox one
Data center: it wont let me view which data center i am in
Game modes: all modes( i play mostly attrition)
Internet speed: Ping=30ms,download speed=.66mbps, uploadspeed=1.14mbps
Loadout: Any
Pilot: Any, N.A.
Titan: Any, N.A.
Details on whats happening: I go to hit "play" on the main menu. The connecting screen comes up and stays on, all it says is retrieving matchmaking details and thats it. It wont load a game at all. At the data center at the bottom it says searching. Its like the game wont connect to the server. I have a brand new xbox and brand new copy of titanfall. It worked the first couple of days I had it but for a week now it hasnt let me play at all.... very dissapointed hopefully this issue will be fixed quickly!!