Platform: (Windows 7 x64 PC)
Data Center: (West US 50ms)
Game Modes: (Always Hardpiont)
Internet speed: 12ms, 43.72Mbps down, 6.75Mbps up.
Loadout: Same for all recent matches
Primary Weapon: C.A.R
Anti-Titan Weapon: Sidewinder
Sidearm: Hammond
Tactical Ability: Radar Pulse
Ordnance: Arc Mine
Tier 1 Kit: Run N Gun
Tier2 Kit: Icepick
Geneder: Female
Chassis: Ogre
Primary Weapon: 40mm
Tactical Ability: Electric Smoke
Ordnance: Slaved Warheads
Tier 1 Kit: Nuclear Ejection
Tier 2 Kit: Survivor
Titan Insignia: Unknown
Titan OS Voice: Lisa
Details on what truly is happening:
My disconnects are happening after the match ends at the summary screen, but before being dumped back into the post game lobby. 'Lost Connection to Server'
My used burn cards are not used up (they all show again), but my Challenge progression is also not counted! This is the worst part as I am almost Gen10 and nearing challenge completion. Then I loose connection just before lobby and discover my progress in that last match is not counted!