My Gamertag is Hamsher14 - It's different from my Origin account.
Platform: Xbox One
Data Center: Currently North Central US, but it does change depending on the best ping. Sometimes it goes to East US
Game Modes: Every Game Mode. There isn't one so far that I hasen't froze and repeatedly at that. Makes me look like a Noob!
Internet speed: (Please run a test and post the results link) Sample:
Loadout: (Can you provide a quick detailed look at your loadout, both Pilot and Titan?)
My lead ones currently as they do change are as follows:
Primary Weapon: Smart Pistol MK5
Anti-Titan Weapon: Sidewinder
Sidearm: B3 Wingman
Tactical Ability: Cloak
Ordnance: Satchel Charge
Tier 1 Kit: Quick Reload Kit
Tier2 Kit: Warpfall Transmitter
Geneder: Male
Chassis: Ogre
Primary Weapon: XO-16 Chaingun
Tactical Ability: Electric Smoke
Ordnance: Cluster Missile
Tier 1 Kit: Nuclear Ejection
Tier 2 Kit: Auto-Eject
Titan Insignia: Rocket Goblin
Titan OS Voice: Jeeves
Details on what truly is happening: Well the biggest issue for me is that i will be playing and I just freeze horrible. So I end up getting shot as I am frozen up in the air in the middle of a jump or I am just running along and just freeze. The same goes for my titan. As i am in my Titan it freezes over and over. It gets so bad that i stop playing. I am a dedicated TitalFall player but It's gottne worse and worse. I changed from a wireless connection to a hard wired and it was just as bad if not worse. The Speedtest above was a wireless connection. Also i do get booted from games as well. Kills and such do not register. I will be shooting fine and all of a sudden it won't read my trigger button and just won't shoot so yet again i will be hung out to dry. Please fix this. It seems like the more updates you do it gets worse instead of being resolved.
After every game it shows my connection and it just flucuates like crazy. From one digit up and down.
Please get back to me as soon as possible. I have been putting off really getting into Destiny because i love this game. But if nothing is going to be done.... I am part of the Beta right now too. Thought that and purchasing the season pass would work and none of it did.