Platform: PC
Data Center: Mostly East or Southeast
Game Modes: Any of them
Internet speed:
My ping when I play on the game is between 90-140ms. My ping on the speedtest was 27. No internet connection issues or drops.
Loadout: Never get that far, game crashes with a "error connecting - client desynchronization" as it tries to join any active game. It doesn't happen 100% of the time, but I usually have to try changing servers and quitting the game altogether. I get all of the wait time for the level to load but none of the play. This was not happening in release 7, only since release 8.
Details on what truly is happening: It takes a really long time for any level to load. The spinner stops spinning and hangs there often. I'll get to the screen to select my pilot, and the intro voice will sound, but then I get an "error connecting - client desynchronization" and it goes back to the beginning Titanfall "Play" screen. It will happen over and over every time I try to connect. Sometimes changing servers helps, but not always. Sometimes completely exiting the game helps, but again, not always. It has happened on Attrition, on Frontier Defense,