Platform: XBOX 360
Data Center: (ALL 30Ms)
Game Modes: (ANY)
Internet speed: (27ms 55.92 Mb/s down 12.53 Mb/s up speed)
Loadout: (any)
Primary Weapon: any
Anti-Titan Weapon: any
Sidearm: any
Tactical Ability:any
Ordnance: any
Tier 1 Kit any
Tier2 Kit: any
Geneder any
Chassis: any
Primary Weapon: any
Tactical Ability: any
Ordnance: any
Tier 1 Kit any
Tier 2 Kit any
Titan Insignia: any
Titan OS Voice: any
Details on what truly is happening: More often then not, After a match finishes, I find myself "kicked" from a lobby with the message "Server is shutting down.". It happens so often, it's sickening. Unplayable. I try time and time again to stay in a lobaby when it is good, yet this happens repeatedly. Please fix this.
I know there are only a few thousand players left in the world, but take care of us!