Platform: XboxOne
Data Center: East (normally--won't connect to data center--tried a bunch of different ones)
Game Modes: Normally play Attrition, but can't connect at all
Internet speed: 16.88down/6.23 up
Primary Weapon: RC101
Anti-Titan Weapon: Archer
Sidearm: B3
Tactical Ability: Cloak
Ordnance: Arc grenades
Tier 1 Kit Quick reload
Tier2 Kit:
Gender male
Chassis: Atlas
Primary Weapon: Quad
Tactical Ability: smoke
Ordnance: Cluster
Tier 1 Kit Nuclear
Tier 2 Kit Auto
Titan Insignia:
Titan OS Voice:
Description: It won't let me connect to the matchmaking servers at all. Tested connection, reset xbox, nothing. Tried multiple servers also. Please help!