So how do I get my refund? $10 on a game not even worth $1.
You would think, for an online game, online play would actually work, I just tried to play for the past hour, and got booted within the first 3 minutes of pretty much every match, I've spent more time waiting to connect to a server and watching "reconnecting" than I have playing the actuall game.
No other game I have has an issue at all, only Titan Fall.
Well I guess theres one thing I can do with this game. Time to turn on my Twitch Feed and let my vewiers get entertained as I get frustrated with this game and rant about how bad it sucks... yet sadly how good it could have been.
E.A. and Respawn and Origin... Way to ignore your customers, good job on releasing a poor product, and thank you for the time wasted watching my connection drop again and again.
Of to go stream this amazing game, and maybe get a few laughs... May as well put my $10 to use...