server - US east , but have tried several others as well
conection speed test - ping-16ms, download 20.7 mbps, upload 2.2 mbps
pimary - Scar
Anti titan- Charge rifle
side arm- 45 Auto
Tactical - Cloak
ord - Frag Grenade
tier 1 - explosive pack
gender- male
Titan, have tried almost every set-up on all types
Extreme lag since update, keep getting booted from matches sometimes right at start sometimes just as match ends, and during match. (all solo play) with and without titan, although seems to happen more when in titan.
seems to be 1-3 sec delay in display and gameplay , giving the impression of players stating they see others cheating, i belive it is a result of the lag . on the map i drop in titan (no one around me ) i land and am attacked by several enemy titan and piolts and die within 1-2 sec of landing, didnt even get a shot off.
same time this all started my achievements were all messed up, showed several completed that were only bout half way done(ex im gen 8 it shows in achievement im 10) the ones that were not marked as complete will not progress, like they are frozen. ive been playing for many months and have just recently started having these problems