Forum Discussion
I've seen many comments of mine also removed for no reason. As far as EA paying someone, it's a good theory but I don't know if I could believe it. Why not just shut the servers down and stop selling the game? This game would be a whole lot stronger if they would just admit there is an issue and fix it. Yes I am a diehard Titanfall fan, SP and I would play every day if I could but lately I'm looking elsewhere. There is nothing like the original Titanfall. I also dislike the gameplay of TF2 and for that reason that's not the game I'm falling back on. I wish everyone luck in whatever they find to play next. My dream is to come back to this forum soon and see a post that says ITS FIXED !!!
- 6 years ago
Lol, no wonder I cant play Titanfall 2. They don't like me because I am not afraid to directly address an issue that could have been easily fixed rather than removing all of this. All-in-all I don't plan to buy ANYTHING else from EA, as their dedication to their users and games is nil. If you're addressed with something like somebody breaking the game and a large number of the community is posting about it, fix it. I mean, come on, Titanfall should be better than Fortnite, but thats the thing. Epic Games staff listen to their player base and fix what is wrong not ignore and shut down players.
- 6 years ago
You know, if you want to just shut down the servers EA, why not just let player-base know and do it. If that isn't your plan then have a staff join/play the game before you go and mute us all for voicing frustrations with the whole thing. Before you go shut down a post, do you ever think of going and playing the game to see what's up; or just being honest with your players. To be honest this whole thing where you all do nothing and pretend to be self-righteous and we are out to get u shindig has left a bad taste in my mouth and I do not plan to use any EA service again, not even the Titanfall franchise tbh. I am not the only one who feels this way, I am just not afraid to speak up about the injustices.
- 6 years ago
Slowing players to get back at them for voicing frustrations/asking for person to be banned/removed or have an issue fixed, wow...some real professionalism, not really, just super low level petty punishments that really aren't justly deserved. I don't care what you justify it with, in the end its being petty and treating the players who LOVE and are DEDICATED to the game/platform like absolute trash. Yeah that's some smart way to keep happy players who will buy stuff from you. If I didn't get slow speeds for facing my concerns I was thinking of spending another $30 USD on all the Prime titans for Titanfall 2, now I am just uninstalling it from my computer, since I am blacklisted for taking a stand against absurdity and injustice, thanks EA.
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