4 years ago
i have 2500 ping every game
Hello, I have a problem with the game This morning I woke up and started a match, but after some seconds the ping goes up to 2500+, and that makes the game freeze, so I left the match(there was noth...
It sounds like you may be having issues with your connection @hy350. I would suggest taking a look at our Connection troubleshooting steps which you can find here: https://help.ea.com/en-us/help/faq/connection-troubleshooting-basic/
I’ve had the same issues over the last few days. Sometimes I can play 1-2 games before it happens but then it will load a game and after about a minute or even off the start it will send my ping to 2500 or above. Right after I check my internet connection and speed on my console and there was nothing abnormal or wrong with my connection or speed. I’m hoping they can do an update to fix this issue because I really enjoy playing this game but I can’t really even play anything but campaign on it
Hey all, can you grab a UO Trace so that I can take a look at your connection?
I switched my server and I haven’t had an issue since.
Same issues with insane ping but only when playing Titanfall 2 - other games, streaming and general browsing works perfectly fine, both on console and other devices - and the issues have been present for a little over a week now. Located in Sweden, playing on standard European servers. Love the game and usually spend a couple of hours on it every day, so understand me when I say it physically pains me to have these issues unresolved for this long. Please advise.