I've literally tried all I can think of now to get this sodding game to work.
- CPU stress test to make sure my overclock is not causing issues - fine
- GPU stress test to make sure there's no issue with the card - fine
- Mem test to make sure it's not faulty memory - fine
- Various GPU drivers tried, including latest - no difference made.
- Updated Audio drivers (latest available were 2009) - no difference made
- Tried different graphics options - no difference made
- Repair/reinstall DX11 - no difference
- Net framework update - no difference
- C++ update - no difference
- Turning off Origin overlay - no difference
- Tried using that platform file someone suggested - no difference
- I even got a copy of windows 8.1 and that made no difference
- Tried scannow to see if windows could repair any possible damaged files - no difference
- Made sure that windows is up to date - no difference
- Tried using MSI afterburner - unsure if it prevents crashing as yet (needs more testing, it did cause my game to freeze and come back after a few seconds instead of crashing out but will test further)
- Tweaked various settings in Nvidia control panel - no difference
- Tried clean booting into windows - no difference
- Even tried reinstalling Titanfall (which means re-downloaded all 50gb on crappy UK internet) - no difference
- Clean installed of drivers - Blah
- CCleaner to clear out temp folders/fix reg files - BLAH
So yeah, I've wasted so much time trying to get this sodding game to work because of this bizarre error that I can't work out how to fix. I've tried all that was suggested by EA support and various community members, not one bit makes a **bleep**e of difference, i'm utterly fed up! All I want to do is play some sodding Titanfall. At best I can manage 2 rounds if I'm lucky before a crash.
Now I'm stuck with either waiting for an EA 'expert' rep to get back to me, which took a month when I had BF4 issues ages ago (so I'm not holding my breath)
Wait to see if/when Respawn fix the issue in a future patch.
So yeah, good game.