@EA_David wrote:
@BigChands What do you mean by not having control over network settings? If you're on a managed network like a college network, you can try reaching out to your admin.
From the description it sounds like the issue is with the network, there tends to be more stress on it in the evenings as more people are playing. If you share your network with folks locally, can you try disconnecting everyone else as a test, and try again with just your system online?
It might help to swap to a different data centre as a test, but I suspect the issue is more local for you.
@Hi @EA_David
There are multiple players across PC, XB1 and PS4 who like myself are experiencing this connection to server time out. To be clear the game does work fine until around 4pm GMT where it will not play another multiplayer game again until after midnight every single day without fail and this has been the same since the game was released!
When the game decides not to work, it will find a session and start the server from the main lobby, even displays the map loading screen however either just before the jumping to location screen it results in a black screen with low ambient noises or during the actual jumping to location screen it will kick us out with the connection to server has timed out error. Please note, this is the only game personally for me that has this issue and it can be replicated 100% of the time.
Considering this and also the volume of players experiencing this exact same issue at the same point in the game to me suggests an issue with the game servers rather than our own hardware or internet connection. Again during this time if I was to play BF1 or any other game there are no connectivity issues of this nature.
To emphasise this point, I have also port forwarded the ports Titanfall plays on along with those the XB1 uses resulting in no change (I really shouldn't have needed to do that anyway considering the XB1 static IP is DMZ enabled on the router) I'm also fortunate to have two separate ISP connections coming into the same home and have tested this on both connections and again the exact same error occurs. I have also attempted the change of data center you refer to in game which has had no change.
I've played Titanfall consistently and enjoyed every second of it, but this experience since it's release with Titanfall 2 and due to the fact I can not play the game with friends plus it appears to have little to nothing officially being done about this via EA / Respawn has left me with no other option but to raise an official complaint to you and request a full refund as paying for a game I can't play is a total waste of money which can be put to a game that doesn't have these fundamental flaws.
Encase you or others visiting here are not aware there is another "official" Titanfall 2 forum where it may provide a clearer picture to this issue which can be visited here - https://forums.titanfall.com/en-us/discussion/5547/error-connection-to-server-timed-out/p1
Can you David or someone else with the official capacity address my complaint regarding this and if it helps I am willing to provide real time evidence of this happening should it be deemed helpful to resolve not only mine but many other unhappy Titanfall 2 players.
I look forward to your reply.