@yardosoner wrote:
Um yeah the update is now working but the Australian servers ARE STILL NOT WORKING on thr 360 and they havnt been for over 2 weeks. Once again the disk goes back to being a paperweight. Im not going to setttle playing on east asia servers with a 100+ ping, not worth it. PLEASE FIX THEM TITANFALL
Totally agree with you here. The Australia servers have been rubbish almost since the beginning with only a couple of days here or there when things were running nicely. The problem now is that no Australians (and NZ) use the Aus server anymore. They go straight to the East Asia at 100+ pings which is just LAG CITY! Sick of timing out trying to find teammates/opponents in Aus and getting owned on Asia servers!
Im currently stuck at G5 trying to get the Gooser regen requirement where you have to shoot an ejecting pilot and its impossible at 100+ pings and doing my head in.
EA please fix the Australian servers or i think you might find a lot of peolpe will trade their copy of Titalfall for the new COD or some thing that doesnt rely completely on functioning online servers to play.