Forum Discussion
I just bought the game today and installed it.
However, when I launch the game, I am greeted with the error message "Couldn't allocate any server IP port : tried 3 addresses"
This has happened to me before during the beta and it's happening to me now.
Does anyone know what may be causing this?
- Anonymous11 years ago
Bump; I have the same issue, and also had experienced the issue during the beta. It's a shame to not be able to enjoy a product I paid money for.
- Anonymous11 years ago
Hi, I am Nick, and first of all my english is not my main lenguage, so I am going to trsnalate this with google translate so some this coud dont have sense
I was having the problem you see in the title, and I tried many things, open the ports, uninstaling de antivirus(for the fireall) etc...
So I starting trying some other thigns, connect to a diferent network, and some other thing, but nothing works.
I was so mad, so I tryed ONE more thing, reinstall widows 7 (64 bits), but I dint lose any data,here is a video of what i did:
And now my TitanFall worcks!!!! YEAH!!
I did it in one day, It does not take too long!
I hope It worcks for you!
My computer spects:
Widows 7 x64
8GB Ram 1666
Amd 6300 6-core black edition
Gtx 660 2gb
(the main parts)
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