Forum Discussion
86 Replies
- Just restarted my computer and now its working!
- Anonymous11 years ago
omg it still not works! who long will it take until i can play this f***ing game?! Or get my money back... And respawn do you want to fix the problem or do you just ignore that?!
And i didn't get Hamachi...
- Anonymous11 years ago
My friendsss!!!! i Finially fixed the Engine error Failed to allocate ....
The answer is pretty simple...There might be software blocking the port that titianfall uses to communicate.. for me it was connectify..... after i uninstalled it titianfall sarted working again.
I just upgraded to windows 8.1 so... that might be it.. but i checked titanfall before the install finished so it might be the one above....
- Anonymous11 years ago
so try this to troubleshoot Ctrl+Shift+Esc, go to processes, then start closing one by one, and after each one closes try starting titanfall until you find the problem. NOTE* Some processes are required to stay running for windows to operate correctly. Try closing third party software first.
- Anonymous11 years ago
I finally got Titanfall to work. I had to clear some programs from the computer.
This is how I did it.
I used the program RevoUninstaller Pro to remove programs that affect my network connections. These programs are:
- LogMeIn Hamachi
- HideMyIP
After clearing these programs, I was able to start Titanfall successfully.
So far, the programs mentioned in this thread that may have caused the engine error are:
- Connectify
- Tunggle
- LogMeIn Hamachi
- HideMyIP
Take note of any other programs that mess with your internet connection. They may also cause this problem.
Godspeed gents.
note: If you guys managed to get to the loading screen and have the game freeze and crash there, let me know here and I'll l post on how to fix that. I'd go into detail but i'd rather not needlessly clutter up this reply with info you guys don't need.
- Anonymous11 years agoI am so glad I found out what the problem was.
- Anonymous11 years ago
Look out for this error code if you manage to get it to start up
It just means you got a bit too overzealous with troubleshooting like I did. - Anonymous11 years ago
Hi, I am Nick, and first of all my english is not my main lenguage, so I am going to trsnalate this with google translate so some this coud dont have sense
I was having the problem you see in the title, and I tried many things, open the ports, uninstaling de antivirus(for the fireall) etc...
So I starting trying some other thigns, connect to a diferent network, and some other thing, but nothing works.
I was so mad, so I tryed ONE more thing, reinstall widows 7 (64 bits), but I dint lose any data,here is a video of what i did:
And now my TitanFall worcks!!!! YEAH!!
I did it in one day, It does not take too long!
I hope It worcks for you!
My computer spects:
Widows 7 x64
8GB Ram 1666
Amd 6300 6-core black edition
Gtx 660 2gb
(the main parts)
After removing Himachi, I still get the same error.
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