Forum Discussion
I would like to report that I have not been able to play Titanfall for 2 days due to the fact that NO DATA CENTERS ARE AVAILABLE. The number of complaints are growing and EA has no credible response. Clearly there is a problem with the Data Centers being available GLOBALLY. Why cant the EA just provide a notice? That would be the responsible thing to do. I am very dismayed at the number of complaints against EA and the run-around that seems to persist. We (Gamers) buy your games but if they are not supported we will take our dollars somewhere else. Please fix the problem or at least send out a notification.
Again today I could not get in to play Titanfall. I did find some new friends playing and I joined them and was able to play. Never had friends since this "Data Center: Searching" message and inability to play.
If anyone really wants to play look over your friends list and if not there than the list from those you have played in the past and just join them if they are playing.
I know it is not a permanent solution, but until these dim-wads at EA or Xbox fix this problem it is the only way to play, other than taking your chances of finding a data center. Good luck and play hard!
- Anonymous10 years ago
at least you can join people. no one on my friends list plays so i boiught dseluxe edition four days ago and have got to play none at all. LOL does anyone want to be my friend so i can play xbox 360 gamertag is "Millarious", email [edit: email address removed] this is desperate i know
- Anonymous10 years ago
I just added you but none of my friends are playing now so I am rebooting and trying to get a data center.
I am completely out and cannot get back into Titanfall. No Data Centers at ALL! This suks.
- Anonymous10 years ago
i can only seem to join games already in progress but atleast ive been on since you added me. thanks man
- Anonymous10 years agoSomeone add "Dadeacus" as a friend
... so that I can play as well...
It's a shame that those that bought the game have to figure out a "backend" fix... while EA & XBox Live play CYA excuses and play dumb...
Usually the CEOs will only escalate when their company's reputation is ruined on social media & internet
#EAsucks #ReactiveNotProactive - Anonymous10 years ago
gamertag "Millarious" working today until 330pm est. send me friend requests and ill accept them all when i get home and hopefully ill have someone on thats playing and we can join. good luck all
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