Forum Discussion
118 Replies
System: Xbox 360
Your Region: Southeast US (North Central Alabama)
When this started for you: 1/14/2016
Any troubleshooting steps you've taken: System completely DMZ on router. Clear all cache. Remove/reinstall Titanfall including DLC's. Restart cable modem and router. Can eventually get the list of all data servers and can play the game after MANY times exiting back to the dashboard and restarting the game. Once you can see the data servers, everything works great as (what used to be) normal.Now, if someone doesn't believe us, take a look at the numbers online playing at say....7:00pm Central Time 1-12-2016 (averaged about ~1100-1300 total) and 4:00PM today 1-17-2016(~550 total). There IS a problem that needs to be address with everyone being able to see the data servers.
- Anonymous10 years ago
I feel your pain warfrog. Titanfall rocks and without it the days don't seem like they are worth very much.
- @andy, problem is back.
System: Xbox 360
Your Region: US Central/Illinois
When this started for you: Saturday evening, 1-16-16, ~9pm (CST)
Any troubelshooting steps you've taken: Reboot Modem, Reboot Router, Reboot Xbox 360, Uninstall/reinstall Titanfall, statically assigned network settings on Xbox 360, verifed connection from router, opened/forwarded ports on router, tested Xbox Live connection at every step of the way, hard cycled, rebooted, unplugged, and cursed at every device in the house, prayed to six different god's, at least there are still no ice giants...
I was playing Titanfall just fine Friday night (1-15-16) well into Saturday morning (1-16-16). I figured there was a server issue Saturday night and after a couple quick hot fix attempts, gave up and went back to Netflix via my Xbox 360. Today, I have been trying every bit of advice I can find for the past three hours. I am now out of time, and patience. Please fix this as I really do enjoy the game, I just do not have the time to play it (or check to see if I can) all day every day being as that I have a full time job and am a single father. The few chances I get to play, it would be nice if I could. I even promoted it a gathering of gamers that I host bi-monthly telling the attendees that this (Titanfall) was a real FPS, and CoD/Halo/Call of Halo Spartan Ops II: Revenge of the Covenant Marines can suck it. Guess I'll go back to Hearthstone after cooking my son dinner...- Anonymous10 years agoCan we get an update on this, please? The game has been unavailable for four days at this point. It's clear this is not an isolated incident.
- A lot of friends are having the same problem, please acknowledge..
- Anonymous10 years ago
Same problems here. Data centers dialog stays empty and trying to play a game keeps the dialog "retrieving matchmaking list" open.
System: Xbox 360
Your Region: Belgium/Europe
When this started for you: Last week (can't remember which date exactly)
Any troubleshooting steps you've taken: (Cold) rebooting Xbox, rebooting router, testing network connection, "waiting" ...
- Anonymous10 years ago
System: Xbox 360
Your Region: Brazil
When this started for you: 1/14/2016please help i tried all the troubleshooting methods but nothing works
Most of the time my message of the day just says "Welcome to the Frontier" and has nothing else beneath it.
EVERY other game works as it should. Even PvZ Garden Warfare (which is online only) works as it should.
- Anonymous10 years ago
I would like to report that I have not been able to play Titanfall for 2 days due to the fact that NO DATA CENTERS ARE AVAILABLE. The number of complaints are growing and EA has no credible response. Clearly there is a problem with the Data Centers being available GLOBALLY. Why cant the EA just provide a notice? That would be the responsible thing to do. I am very dismayed at the number of complaints against EA and the run-around that seems to persist. We (Gamers) buy your games but if they are not supported we will take our dollars somewhere else. Please fix the problem or at least send out a notification.
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