11 years agoXbox one progress lost
The only answer I get from chat advisor is about a PC connectivity issue. I'm on xbox one. I was at least a level 16 or so and worked up to a 26 before stopping to find out I'm now back at a level 1. ...
Im having the same problem aswell. I was in a server at it said retrying connection. When i get back to the lobby it is saying im Level one. I Was Second Generartion Level 47
Hello all,
Thank you for your reports! We are investigating the issue and we would like to ask you to post the following info:
Platform: PC or Xbox One?
Your Country:
Data Center connecting to in game:
Have you purchased the Season Pass:
EDIT: The issue is still under investigation. Please keep an eye on the following page for updates:
PS! Marking this post as solution for the sole purpose of drawing attention to it!
I'm playing on Xbox One, in the United States, connected to the "East US" datacenter.
Xbox One
North Central, US
no season pass