11 years agoXbox one progress lost
The only answer I get from chat advisor is about a PC connectivity issue. I'm on xbox one. I was at least a level 16 or so and worked up to a 26 before stopping to find out I'm now back at a level 1. ...
Hello all,
Thank you for your reports! We are investigating the issue and we would like to ask you to post the following info:
Platform: PC or Xbox One?
Your Country:
Data Center connecting to in game:
Have you purchased the Season Pass:
EDIT: The issue is still under investigation. Please keep an eye on the following page for updates:
PS! Marking this post as solution for the sole purpose of drawing attention to it!
Lost all progress right before 2nd regeneration. Xbox One version SHANE THE VEIN is g-tag. I was very VERY excited for this fresh take on shooters and think you've done a great job. However the couple issues I've experienced are hurting my experience. I was the only person on my friend list that experienced the opening night sign-in issue and now the reset issue hurts because I was the farthest leveled up of my friends... I was feelin good, till this. I know this doesn't matter to you but I was also the most excited of anybody I knew for the arrival of this game. I'm still a fan, but please help.
These issues are keeping me from purchasing the season pass.