Forum Discussion

TheAdipose's avatar
11 years ago

Drive-in Cinema - Adi needs your designs for the show!

I know there are so many great drive-in cinemas out there and I've always meant to get around to designing one, but instead of putting it in town, I thought I'd give it a go tonight on Squidport. It doesn't exactly qualify as "drive-in" anymore, but does it work?

It's still very much a work in progress, but I would appreciate any feedback (read: constructive criticism). Help me pick a "scene," decide which "top" for the movie screen to go, etc.

Remember, if you steal my're stealing twice! :mrgreen: The train/train on the boardwalk ideas came from much more creative people than I (as seen @TheAdiposeTv - look him up, peeps!), but I thought it a nice touch to this little entertainment corner.

  • I did a whole show about the trains - quite a few people are making railways now using it. The show is below if you'd like to see it.

    Drive in show is tonight. Donut giveaway if we have 150 people- hope to see you there!
