Forum Discussion

dolejs1973's avatar
11 years ago

KRUSTYLAND REDESIGN - looking for thoughts

much better than my krustyland. Money comes by the millions it seems but I can't get Krusty tickets fast at all.
  • you may want to use the four sections of the park as indicated here:

    haha! isn't that awesome? i wish i had a way to add that to my park without it being too hard to read.

    i just finished my KL build and posted it here:

    i also used trees to differentiate the areas: up front is tropical like Universal Studios, toward the back is evergreen like Six Flags.

    Certain buildings offer "back sides" if you are crafty with placement; and others double-up well to make larger buildings. See my KL for some examples.

    it looks like you've chosen more concrete than grass, like more theme park than county fairgrounds. I went with that style too. either can look good if you design with it in mind.

    I thought building KL was much more fun than SF is, as I didn't feel the need to "start in the middle" like I wish I could do in SF. And I still have plenty of room to grow without needing to tear down anything existing.

    Have fun; happy tapping! be sure to post when it's done!