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Grumpstown's avatar
10 years ago

nuked my town - building in progress

Looking good :thumbup:
  • thank you :D

    another day, another set of screenshots ;) lets start with my junkyard (to big for one screenshot):

    next up is my graveyard (so many yards xD):

    random section with football yard ( :wink: ):

    retirement castle/yard:

    area with strees colored ground (which i really hate tbh xD):

    more random stuff around the town central:

    last one, the farmers market:

    planning to upload the first stiched panorama on tuesday/wednesday^^
  • thank you tapped out :D
    JimJ321 wrote:
    Good work tapper. May I suggest you use more fences. You can buy the nice ones for a donut each.
    Happy tapping!
    in my opinion the fences dont work as well as they should with shops and other buildings in the city, i will use them in my residental district later on :)

    i was busy designing some huge chunks in my town (which are still under construction xD) so heres some more small stuff :) :

    powell motors (which looks pretty random) and the springfield mall:

    tetanus terminal, which will be the station in my wooden/poor area:

    sponsored church (usually i use the hell house, but i decided against it this time):

    mallorail (in my shopping district):

    springfiels airport (not finished yet, just a sneak peak until i get some inspiration xD):

    (cramped) duff area and golf district:

    indian casino and cowboys (i love how both cowboys are holding theyre hand the same way):

    thats it for now, im currently working on some event areas (CoC, zenith city, tapball and monsarno) that are killing me at the moment, as soon as im happy with them i will share them with you guys :D
  • to celebrate my 300th post on here, ill show off my town so far :D took me an over to finish the panorama, and some designs arent finished, and some buildings might change spots completely, but so far im happy with my progress. enjoy :)
  • to celebrate my 420th post #blazeit im gonna post some more screenshots. be prepared as they are badly stiched together due to the halloween-frame on the screen. feel free to leave a comment :D

    lets start with my halloween designs:
    heres my sunken temple with the allmighty M'nster
    and my local halloween area

    next up is my steel factory:

    since were close to it, my xmas area is now up all year round:

    my malibu stacy/beauty area:


    the tapball stadium with a small chill lounge for the whole family:

    powel motors redone (thanks to the one posting this design, sadly i forgot your name :( ):

    power plant with little lisas:

    my studying area (still misses trees, like most of my town xD gonna plant them aftetr halloween):

    platos republic and the buddhist temple:

    a little harbour:

    and last but not least, my polo fieldhouse:

    thanks for looking, i hope you enjoyed my little pieces of creativity. after halloween, when im done with my trees, im planning to make a full panorama without those stupid edges xD if you saw something you like, feel free to steal it from me, and dont forget to comment suggestions :P

    and remember, 420 blaze it

    dont do drugs kids ;)
  • the power plant looks really good. what are those buildings/decorations in front of the Radioactive Man Statue??
  • kahim41659 wrote:
    the power plant looks really good. what are those buildings/decorations in front of the Radioactive Man Statue??

    thanks to you two :D

    in front of the RAM statue are the nuclear waste (which youve got in your town from the beginning as you know ;) ), the elfcannon control building from last (i think) christmas, fort recycling from the CoC event (no english name here sry xD) and a mechanical ant as well as a hidden pile of trash from the monorail event^^