"@Camkat;c-17555995" wrote:
Oh neat! I didn't think my answers would affect the game.
Recently my sim's girlfriend phoned him and said she found a ring in his bag and asked what she should do about it... uhm... so you were snooping through MY bag and now your talking to me like I'm not even your bf or... is there another bf?! I answered something like "what do you want" and she got mad at me for not making her mind up for her. :D At least in the text she did, she still came over later to hang out anyways like the phone call never happened.
Unfortunately this is exactly where TS4 is lacking. The re-tuning of Sim invites and phone calls in order to give the player ‘a more meaningful and holistic experience‘ is definitely a step in the right direction.
But no matter how meaningful the text is, if the emotion of the Sim who texted is not carried over to whenever an actual, face to face interaction takes place, it can’t be called meaningful. The sim’s indifference to that memory renders anything that happend prior to the meeting completely redundant an was ultimately non-existent.
That an npc can get a baby when you give them that advice, great. But this kind of story progression has to go all the way to be truly effective. The emotion and memories of Sims have to reflect the fact that a specific communication took place. Sims need to
remember and care.
Don’t just Tell. SHOW.