Forum Discussion

jae_bazz's avatar
11 years ago

What have you done with your landing zone?

Mine ended up being my prison. I don't want to move the prison, so it's just gonna have to stay that way. Oh well.
  • It wasn't planned, but it turned out my landing zone is my shopping mall complex

  • I knew that once I had purchased all my land, that I wanted the center of my town to be the Town Hall.

    Here's my latest version of my landing zone:
  • Old thread, hmmmm. seems to be the latest generic landing zone one though.
    i'm about to nuke so thought i'd try a concept. not sure if i like it or not but i'm definitely going to keep burns manor in the center so it gets tapped by visitors.
  • Here's my LZ, nothing fancy. I wanna fix up my Hungry Hun and Barbarian Castle a bit. My Truckasaurus Rex is not too far.

    Maybe I'll put my Truckasaurus Rex smack dab in the center. I need to do some redesign anyway. :roll:
  • Right now it's at Monsarno, but when there are no events going on, it's this: