Forum Discussion

Helen0725's avatar
11 years ago

What have you done with Ziff Corp sign?

I have mine set out in preparation for the ZiffCorp Office Building:

4 Replies

  • barryriddl474 wrote:
    I have mine set out in preparation for the ZiffCorp Office Building:

    Yours looks great! I'll probably move mine once I get the Ziff Corp. building.
  • barryriddl474's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    11 years ago
    Thank you. Yours looks nice as well. I look forward to seeing your next placement with the ZiffCorp Building.
  • Helen0725 wrote:
    I thought I'd put mine next to the black and white tower, as it seemed fitting since the sign is also black and white.

    I like it serves as a backrest for primates that don't eat enough vegetables. :lol: :wink:
  • simpsons7795 wrote:
    Helen0725 wrote:
    I thought I'd put mine next to the black and white tower, as it seemed fitting since the sign is also black and white.

    I like it serves as a backrest for primates that don't eat enough vegetables. :lol: :wink:

    That's very true indeed;) I didn't even notice that he was resting on the sign! It does make for a perfect back rest;)