5 years ago
Now that I've reached the maximum level of 939, which seems a rather random number by the way, I've noticed that the developers have doubled the amount of XP needed to get the donuts, from 500000 to 1 million. Not nice
"pigsick57;d-264381" wrote:
Now that I've reached the maximum level of 939, which seems a rather random number by the way, I've noticed that the developers have doubled the amount of XP needed to get the donuts, from 500000 to 1 million. Not nice
"wadebear;c-2160179" wrote:
939 is the area code for Springfield.
Below 939 you get 1 donut. Above 939 you get a chance for 3.
Build a House farm. Concentrate on Blue Houses. Soon you'll have so much cash you won't be able to spend it all and you can buy extra chances and get 3 donuts every time.
"spyder1952850;c-2160210" wrote:"pigsick57;d-264381" wrote:
Now that I've reached the maximum level of 939, which seems a rather random number by the way, I've noticed that the developers have doubled the amount of XP needed to get the donuts, from 500000 to 1 million. Not nice
Been there, done that, 7 times so far. Working on two more, both over half way there. Welcome to the club! You have achieved something less than 1/3 reach (in my experience), keep up the grind.
"lucajick;c-2160221" wrote:
Do blue houses work better than jet markets?