Forum Discussion

squatch1800's avatar
6 years ago

Level 939

HEY EA !!!!!!!! Those of us that have been here YEARS playing TSTO and have clawed and scratched hour after hour after hour and have reached the top level of 939 SHOULD be rewarded ! 😆😆😆😆 Once we reach lvl 939,every time we spend donuts to purchase something, it should be HALF PRICE !?!?!? So if it costs 120 donuts we should get a loyalty discount of 50%, so we would only pay 60.

Sounds good , doesn't it ? Please consider it. Thank you

6 Replies

  • For most of those who are at, and have been for years, level 939, farm for donuts. We are members of the > 1000% club. We have the capability to generate large amounts of donuts. There are some who have so many donuts the have reached the maximum limit. The same for in game currency (IGC).
    If there was a discount given, it would make more sense to newer players. I’ve been adding new neighbors that are at just starting out. The majority don’t last more than a month or so. I’m fairly sure the desire to rapidly gain levels, but not having the means to do so kills the initial thrill of playing. Some people don’t have the tenacity to keep plodding along to reach the higher levels.
    I’ve seen them in many games. They jump in at full speed and get bored even faster. I think EA would do more to grow the game if they made donut purchased items attainable at a graduated rate. e.g. under level 60 a 75% discount. Then lower % as you go up, perhaps tied into the Homerlayas.
  • I remember there was a time when I had something to spend donuts on. But that time is long gone, and all that’s left behind is a bored, unfulfilled shell of a tapper.
  • I’d rather see more levels or a 4.29 billion dollar aspirational - maybe a character - Peter Griffin or possibly Fry.
  • "roman65;c-2071899" wrote:
    I’d rather see more levels or a 4.29 billion dollar aspirational - maybe a character - Peter Griffin or possibly Fry.

    If they did them both you suddenly have a lot of old timers tapping frantically to get the one they didn’t pick first.
  • Yea, I do a lot of KEM farming for donuts, but would still like to see things cheaper ?