I think they should compensate everyone who didn't win everything in this event. People who actually put time into this should get everything like in the past. Why in the world would anyone spend time on something for nothing. Unfortunately there are some people who've barely won enough things to call all the time they spent on this event worth while. It's kinda rediculous. People who defend this event can't see the ground bellow their own feet. If they actually played the fun events and knew how it really felt to spend time on something to not get what they wanted they'd understand our frustrations with this god awful event.
What's most annoying is that The developers aren't even budging. They haven't done anything to fix this event which is shocking. I guess it's shocking to be shocked huh? But that just shows how much they care what we have to say. Tbh that's why I stopped posting my complaints here, or anywhere. If a company doesn't give a rats * about its costumers what's the point. If this the way they want to play it, I hope for this games sake they don't go under. But seeing the effect this event alone had on people I think that'll happen quicker then I thought. It's a shame really.