Forum Discussion

smohqy's avatar
New Spectator
9 years ago

Anyone else's Springfielders loitering?

Yes. They don't stray too far from where they started the task. Same for NPCs. Must be groundhog day again.

13 Replies

  • I CAN'T take this!! EA..pleeeeease take my town off the drugs.It's creep in' me out. Even Stampy is sedated...currently stuck sideways in the street.
  • I’ve noticed this as well. I was wondering whether this might not be a deliberate ploy (rather than another glitch) that somehow makes other aspects of the game run more smoothly during this event.
  • If it's temporary, I'll deal with it... Right now over half of my characters, including NPCs are about as active as McBain staring at his shoes :evil: