10 years ago
Attention neighbors
AJtheboss1 wrote: I just want to give a heads up to my neighbors that in a couple of days I won't be able to play the game for a week and a half. I'm going on vacation and I'm not going to have any ...
flexster741 wrote:AJtheboss1 wrote:
I just want to give a heads up to my neighbors that in a couple of days I won't be able to play the game for a week and a half. I'm going on vacation and I'm not going to have any internet connectivity. Kinda happy about that actually. I need a break from the Internet, and a screen. :lol:
Anyways this was just a heads up so no one thinks I quit, and doesn't remove me from their neighbor list. :)
Already removed from friend list. Just kidding. :lol: Enjoy the vacation.......