Forum Discussion
7 years ago
Chilling Deal Pt. 1
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills starts
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills: This town reeks of thawed meat, easily twisted and cut.
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills: I will draw their gaze and freeze their hearts to my will.
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills: Then, when the town is conquered, we will blow forth on an icy wind and bury the world!
Task: Make Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills Hack Channel 6 Antenna
Time: 4h
Location: Channel 6 or Brown House
Task: Make Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills Prepare Pirated Broadcast
Time: 4h
Location: Refrigeratorium
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Chilling Deal Pt. 2
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills starts
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills: People of Springfield! I am the Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills! Bow before me!
Lisa: Ugh, another one of these crazy local tv ads.
Homer: Quiet, Lisa! I want to hear what this quirky guy is selling.
Bart: I bet it's fridges.
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills: You are summoned to my Refrigeratorium, where you will submit to my icy rule.
Bart: Yep, called it. Refrigerators.
Task: Make Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills Broadcast Demands
Time: 4h
Location: Refrigeratorium
Task: Make Springfielders Mistake Threats for Local Business Ad
Time: 4h
Location: Refrigeratorium
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills: Approach, pop-cicle, and receive the frozen touch of the Bishop.
Homer: I'm not interested in any touching – frozen, hot, or otherwise. Just point me to the freezers you're hawking?
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills: What? You're not here to submit?
Homer: To what, a credit check? Ugh! A guy gets a couple dozen credit cards revoked and suddenly he's “a risk”.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Chilling Deal Pt. 3
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills starts
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills: These appliances are not for sale!
Homer: Look, you got freezers, and I got frozen pizzas thawing in need of one.
Homer: So, are we going to do this deal or not?
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills: Well… I could use the cash. I haven't had a hot meal in weeks.
Task: Make Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills Reluctantly Sell Appliances
Time: 8h
Location: Refrigeratorium
Task: Make Springfielders Buy Appliances
Time: 8h
Location: Refrigeratorium
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Chilling Deal Pt. 4
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills starts
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills: With brrr-isk sales and a full stomach, I can once again cast my icy grip on the world.
Marge: Hey, Mr. Bishop? This freezer unit you sold my husband isn't working.
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills: How is that my problem?
Marge: If you expect anyone to take you seriously you're going to have to back up your word.
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills: The blue-haired lady has a point. If I can't guarantee my products, how can I guarantee citizens of my frigid takeover.
Task: Make Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills Service His Appliances
Time: 8h
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills: Success! This freezer is now the ULTIMATE appliance in your home. Behold, all other devices retreat from its frigid aura!
Marge: Right…well, thanks. I'll be sure to give you five stars in my review!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Chilling Deal Pt. 5
Skinner starts
Skinner: Excuse me, Mr. Bishop? The school freezers have never been up to code. Many are just oil drums packed with snow.
Skinner: Would you be able to help out a school of young students with its refrigeration needs?
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills: A chance to control young minds? This could be the opportunity of an ice-time!
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills: *evil laughter*
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills: *continued evil laughter*
Skinner: So, that's a yes?
Task: Make Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills Embrace Appliance Sales
Time: 8h
Location: Refrigeratorium
Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP
Paradox Reality Pt. 1
Peta starts
Peta: You know what, Pita? I've been thinking about how we were so easily taken out in the arena.
Pita: Yeah, don't remind me. I was taken out holding a flower. Embarrassing!
Peta: And all I had was a cape of leaves. The way I see it, we've got a second chance at life, and we shouldn't waste it showing off for a love interest.
Pita: You're right, we need to make the most of this opportunity.
Task: Make Pita Consider His New Life Opportunity
Time: 8h
Location: Brown House
Task: Make Peta Consider His New Life Opportunity
Time: 8h
Location: Brown House
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Paradox Reality Pt. 2
Pita starts
Pita: Well, I can't get that damned flower out of my head.
Pita: I think I'm going to have to put considerable time into figuring out what it means to me.
Peta: That's cool, man. You do you.
Peta: I've figured out what I'm going to do as well. And it will not have anything to do with capes of leaves or flowers.
Task: Make Pita Sculpt His Feelings
Time: 4h
Task: Make Peta Train to Be a Better Warrior
Time: 4h
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Paradox Reality Pt. 3
Pita starts
Pita: No matter how many times, or how many ways I sculpt it, it's not right. Why is it never right!?
Peta: I'm a terrible fighter. I've dropped a knife on my foot more times than I can count and fainted at the THOUGHT of the sight of my own blood.
Pita: We can't give up; we need to help each other through this.
Peta: You're right! We need to do it again!
Task: Make Pita Sculpt His Feelings
Time: 4h
Task: Make Peta Train to Be a Better Warrior
Time: 4h
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Paradox Reality Pt. 4
Pita starts
Pita: There…I've surrounded myself with sculptures and am too tired to think of anything.
Peta: I think I only cut myself three times in that session.
Pita: That's hero level stuff!
Peta: Want to get a bite to eat? I'm famished.
Task: Make Pita Eat a Salad
Time: 8h
Location: Krusty Burger
Task: Make Peta Eat Meat Lover's Burger
Time: 8h
Location: Krusty Burger
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Paradox Reality Pt. 5
Pita starts
Pita: It's nice outside the dome, exploring other interests, without worrying about being brutally killed at any moment.
Pita: I don't know about you, but I'm in no rush to go back. Want to see what else is around?
Peta: Okay, but can we call it reconnaissance? I don't want to lose what little bit of warrior edge I finally found.
Task: Make Pita and Peta Get Comfortable With Springfield
Time: 4h
Location: Shops
Requires: Peta
Peta: Ohhh, I don't feel so good.
Pita: I think the food from Krusty Burger has poisoned us.
Peta: And I was almost run over by a madman texting on his phone.
Pita: On second thought, I think we're safer in the dome. Let's go back.
Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP
Moe's Express Promotion
Gil starts
Gil: With all the fighting over the Mega Playscape, Ol' Gil has hit the skids again.
Gil: Where are good guys like me supposed to nod off after a day of doing nothing?
Gil: That's what I used to ask myself before finding this Moe's Express kit.
Gil: If you'd just help set ‘er up, Ol' Gil and the boys will have a place to park it between sittings at Moe's Tavern!
Offer accepted:
Gil: Wow, thanks, my pale ale pal!
Gil: I'd offer to buy you a beer but my wallet's drier than you are.
Offer declined:
Gil: It was worth a shot. Since I can't even afford the nails to put this together I guess I'll burn the wood for warmth.
The Customer is Always Trite Pt. 1
Moe starts
Moe: Moe's Express is open for business!
Larry: Hey, this is great, Moe. Us boozehounds were getting elbow to elbow in your regular bar.
Sam: Thanks, Moe. This gives us the chance to pull ourselves off the floor and get drunk in public again!
Moe: Whoa, wait up. I didn't rebuild this thing just for you losers!
Moe: I'm shootin' for a whole new clientele. Classy people with money. People on the go not people who just need a place to “go".
Task: Make Moe Serve Express Drinks
Time: 4h
Location: Moe's Express
Task: Make Moe's Regulars Drink at Moe's
Time: 4h
Location: Moe's Tavern
On job start:
Homer: I'm sure Moe won't mind if we just pour for ourselves.
Larry: Yeah, it's what he would want.
Barney: Hey, I just found our bar tabs!
Sam: Whoops, I accidentally tore them up, lit them on fire, and washed the ashes down the drain...
Homer: That still might not be good enough to dupe Moe.
On job end:
Moe: Where the heck was everyone? Not a single customer.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
The Customer is Always Trite Pt. 2
Larry starts
Larry: So, now that Moe's busy with his new bar, what are we going to do?
Homer: Beside drink until the taps run dry, you mean?
Sam: Hey, Larry, with all this free time we could finally work on my, uh, business plan!
Homer: My plan is to drink Moe's beer. And I mean business!
Larry: I try not to mix business with pleasure. But I do mix business with beer. It works for me!
Task: Make Moe Get Frustrated Serving Express Drinks
Time: 8h
Location: Moe's Express
Task: Make Sam Pitch Ideas to Larry
Time: 8h
Location: Brown House
Requires: Larry
On job start:
Sam: ... so then we pocket some of the cash and use the rest to pay back the previous investors.
Larry: Wow, that's genius. I can't believe no one has ever thought of this before!
Larry: Guess my brain is just that much bigger. Wait ‘til I tell everyone about it.
On job end:
Moe: Why is no one coming to this super convenient express bar!?
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
The Customer is Always Trite Pt. 3
Moe starts
Moe: Okay, I'm back, ya bums...
Moe: What've you done to my bar?!
Larry: Hey, Moe, would you like to invest in our business?
Moe: How about I invest in kicking your ass out of here!
Larry: Interesting counter offer. Let me run it past my business partners.
Task: Make Moe Kick Out His Regulars
Time: 4h
Location: Moe's Tavern
On job start:
Homer: Good job, Larry! Now where are we going to drink?!
Barney: Yeah, and don't think we've forgotten your part in all this, Sam!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
The Customer is Always Trite Pt. 4
Larry starts
Larry: Okay, Sam, we need to come up with a new plan.
Sam: Scheming is always best over a stiff drink!
Larry: Good plan - to Moe's!
Sam: ...
Larry: Oh, right. Okay, well Plan B then.
Task: Make Larry Drink at the Brown House With Sam
Time: 12h
Location: Brown House
Requires: Sam
On job start:
Larry: Why don't we just drink here all the time?
Sam: Good point. The prices are better, beer isn't watered down and there's no ugly guy glaring at us over the bar.
On job end:
Moe: It's been nice havin' time without them bums around so I could spruce the ol' place up.
Moe: I even cleaned the roaches out of the cash register by handin' em out as change.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
The Customer is Always Trite Pt. 5
Sam starts
Sam: Look, why don't we just go drink at Moe's new place?
Larry: Moe's no fool. He learned his lesson when we had drank up every drop from his old place.
Sam: You sure?
Larry: I'll call the guys.
Task: Make Moe's Regulars Drink at Moe's Express
Time: 4h
Location: Moe's Express
On job start:
Moe: The bar's all sorted out and nice-like again. I can get back to the new place…
Moe: Really, fellas?!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
The Customer is Always Trite Pt. 6
Larry starts
Larry: Uh...hey, Moe...
Moe: Aw, forget it, I can't stay mad at my only customers who drink excessively.
Moe: Now drink up. It's time to show this town what a real booze-up looks like!
System Message: You can now send Homer, Barney, Lenny, Carl, Sam, Larry, and Moe on animated jobs at Moe's Express!
Task: Make Moe Serve Drinks at Moe's Express
Time: 4h
Location: Moe's Express
Task: Make Moe's Regulars Drink at Moe's Express
Time: 4h
Location: Moe's Express
Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP
Wafflin' On
Grampa starts
Grampa: Ahhh!
Jasper: What's wrong, Abe?
Grampa: Our old enemy, the Luftwaffe, have finally caught up to us!
Lisa: What? No, it's just a waffle house with an attempt at a clever name.
Jasper: Making light of the Great Wars? That's a paddlin'!
Task: Make Oldies Storm the Benches
Time: 12h
Location: Luftwaffles
Grampa: I can't go on. Tell my family I love 'em! But not all of ‘em. I'll give you a list.
Jasper: If you're checking out before finishing your waffle, pass it on over 'ere.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Milhouse starts
Milhouse: Bart! Let's go on the chopper ride! I've always wanted to soar!
Nelson: Hold up there. All riders shorter than me have to pay extra!
Milhouse: What, that's not fair! Just because you're bigger, and stronger, and meaner...
Bart: You just made his points for him. Milhouse, pay the man.
Task: Make Youngsters Get to the Chopper
Time: 4h
Location: Chopper Ride
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Outlandish Creations Pt. 1
Marge starts
Marge: Homer, why have you built a factory in the middle of nowhere?
Homer: Oh Marge, if I built it at home the DEA would find it.
Marge: The DEA?! Do I even want to know what you're up to?
Homer: Sweetie, do you ever?
Marge: No, I suppose not. Just keep your bail to the normal limits please.
Task: Make Homer Stock Suspicious Supplies
Time: 30m
Location: Outlands Factory
Homer: There, that's the last of it.
Homer: Now remember our deal. No one must find out!
Professor Frink: Yes, yes, I remember. Although this would go faster if I was allowed to work with some light...
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Outlandish Creations Pt. 2
Professor Frink starts
Professor Frink: Okay, Homer-
Homer: NO NAMES!
Professor Frink: Right, er, No Name Simpson.
Homer: That's better.
Professor Frink: As I was saying. I believe I have created what you've asked for.
Homer: Great! If this works you'll be a hero.
Professor Frink: And allowed to go home, hoyvin! You promised to let me go home!
Task: Make Homer Test the Results
Time: 4h
Location: Outlands Factory
Homer: Oh yes...texture...flavor... sugar headache...
Homer: You did it! You re-created Lard Lad's frosting!
Homer: First frosting, then the world!
Professor Frink: Gloyvin...
Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP
Grabbin' Grub
Homer starts
Homer: Ooh, new eatery! Don't mind if I do!
Task: Make Homer Get Some Grub
Time: 4h
Location: Grub Shack
Task: Make Lisa Enjoy an Insectivorian Meal
Time: 1h
Location: Grub Shack
Homer: Ohh yes, that's some good grub!
Lisa: While I'm still a vegetarian, I'm glad you're experimenting with insectivorianism, Dad.
Homer: Wait, insector-what now?
Lisa: The grub shack, the food there is actual grubs. They're a nutritious and sustainable food source...
Homer: Uuuuhhhh....
Lisa: Dad, are you okay?
Homer: The thought of it makes me sick, but the crispity-crunch makes me want more!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Blue Collar
Lisa starts
Lisa: What is that thing? Is that molten metal?! This is an environmental disaster in progress!
Quimby: That's our new, er, iron processing plant.
Quimby: It's generated two whole jobs, beating my critics' projections by one hundred percent!
Lisa: All that noise and pollution for just two jobs?
Quimby: Actually one of the jobs is for a dog...but she supervises a genuine, fully paid, technician!
Cletus: That's right. I takes orders from a Border Collie.
Task: Make Cletus Feed His Supervisor
Time: 1h
Location: Slaghold
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Safe Power
Smithers starts
Smithers: Sir, the reactor core is failing. We need to evacuate!
Mr. Burns: Oh, calm down, you fluttering fancy. The core isn't in any danger.
Mr. Burns: I sold off the radioactive material after the last time that nincompoop Simpson dropped a rod down his shirt.
Smithers: But, then how are we supplying the town with power?
Mr. Burns: We're simply reselling the spare power those hippies and their fancy solar panels are generating.
Mr. Burns: Now, get back to work and make it look like we're operating a dangerous nuclear facility!
Task: Make Plant Workers Work a Plant Shift
Time: 8h
Location: Cooling Towers
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Gas Pipes
Willie starts
Willie: I heard you was lookin' for an outlaw musician?
Willie: No instrument is more outlawed than the venerable bagpipes.
Otto: Woah, man, that's not what I meant by outlaw.
Willie: Too late, long haired laddie. Once a Scotsman unsheathes his bagpipes they cannae resheathed until ears have bled!
Otto: Dude, now that's a jam I can get behind. Strap in and rock on, man!
Task: Make Willie Play the Bagpipes of Wrath
Time: 8h
Location: Bagpipe Bus
On job start:
Willie: Hear me!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Snuggle Bug Pt. 1
Marge starts
Marge: Homie, I think I need to get away for a bit.
Homer: Oh Marge, you and your wild goings on! What kind of scrape or bungle did you get yourself into this time?
Marge: What? No! I just need a break from all the crazy things going on in this town.
Marge: Maybe we could get away to somewhere romantic where we can... snuggle...
Homer: Woo hoo! You said the "S" word!
Task: Reach Level 15 and Build Moe's Tavern
Task: Make Homer Research Snuggle Locations
Time: 6s
Location: Simpson House
Task: Make Homer Research Snuggle Locations
Time: 12h
Location: Simpson House
On job start:
Homer: Uh...that's enough. My internet search history is now all 'snuggle locations'.
On job end:
Marge: I found this great place called Snuggler's Cove! What did you find, Homie?
Homer: What you found sounds much better than Hook-Up Hideaway!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Snuggle Bug Pt. 2
Homer starts
Homer: Ok, so what's Snuggler's Cove got that Sleepin' Ain't Cheatin's and Lay It Again Sam's doesn't?
Marge: Well, it has wonderful views, emperor-size beds...
Homer: The food, Marge, the food?
Marge: Oh, well it has in-room catering...
Homer: Take me, my body is ready!
Task: Make Marge Check-in to Relaxation
Time: 4h
Location: Snuggler's Cove
Task: Make Homer Order in-Room Catering
Time: 4h
Location: Snuggler's Cove
On job start:
Marge: Oh this is just perfect, it's so nice to have a change of pace.
Homer: I changed my pace...of eating! I'm never leaving bed for breakfast, lunch, or dinner again!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Snuggle Bug Pt. 3
Marge starts
Marge: So, Homie, now that we're here...I think I'm ready...
Homer: For more food. Right. I'm on it.
Marge: Well...I was thinking of something else...
Homer: Oh!
Homer: Woo hoo! I'm on that too!
Task: Make Homer Snuggle With Marge
Time: 4h
Location: Snuggler's Cove
Requires: Marge
Marge: Wow, that was intense, I don't think I could manage that again.
Homer: Yeah, those bacon-wrapped, donut cheeseburgers are pretty intense!
Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills starts
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills: This town reeks of thawed meat, easily twisted and cut.
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills: I will draw their gaze and freeze their hearts to my will.
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills: Then, when the town is conquered, we will blow forth on an icy wind and bury the world!
Task: Make Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills Hack Channel 6 Antenna
Time: 4h
Location: Channel 6 or Brown House
Task: Make Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills Prepare Pirated Broadcast
Time: 4h
Location: Refrigeratorium
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Chilling Deal Pt. 2
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills starts
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills: People of Springfield! I am the Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills! Bow before me!
Lisa: Ugh, another one of these crazy local tv ads.
Homer: Quiet, Lisa! I want to hear what this quirky guy is selling.
Bart: I bet it's fridges.
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills: You are summoned to my Refrigeratorium, where you will submit to my icy rule.
Bart: Yep, called it. Refrigerators.
Task: Make Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills Broadcast Demands
Time: 4h
Location: Refrigeratorium
Task: Make Springfielders Mistake Threats for Local Business Ad
Time: 4h
Location: Refrigeratorium
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills: Approach, pop-cicle, and receive the frozen touch of the Bishop.
Homer: I'm not interested in any touching – frozen, hot, or otherwise. Just point me to the freezers you're hawking?
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills: What? You're not here to submit?
Homer: To what, a credit check? Ugh! A guy gets a couple dozen credit cards revoked and suddenly he's “a risk”.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Chilling Deal Pt. 3
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills starts
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills: These appliances are not for sale!
Homer: Look, you got freezers, and I got frozen pizzas thawing in need of one.
Homer: So, are we going to do this deal or not?
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills: Well… I could use the cash. I haven't had a hot meal in weeks.
Task: Make Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills Reluctantly Sell Appliances
Time: 8h
Location: Refrigeratorium
Task: Make Springfielders Buy Appliances
Time: 8h
Location: Refrigeratorium
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Chilling Deal Pt. 4
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills starts
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills: With brrr-isk sales and a full stomach, I can once again cast my icy grip on the world.
Marge: Hey, Mr. Bishop? This freezer unit you sold my husband isn't working.
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills: How is that my problem?
Marge: If you expect anyone to take you seriously you're going to have to back up your word.
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills: The blue-haired lady has a point. If I can't guarantee my products, how can I guarantee citizens of my frigid takeover.
Task: Make Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills Service His Appliances
Time: 8h
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills: Success! This freezer is now the ULTIMATE appliance in your home. Behold, all other devices retreat from its frigid aura!
Marge: Right…well, thanks. I'll be sure to give you five stars in my review!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Chilling Deal Pt. 5
Skinner starts
Skinner: Excuse me, Mr. Bishop? The school freezers have never been up to code. Many are just oil drums packed with snow.
Skinner: Would you be able to help out a school of young students with its refrigeration needs?
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills: A chance to control young minds? This could be the opportunity of an ice-time!
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills: *evil laughter*
Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills: *continued evil laughter*
Skinner: So, that's a yes?
Task: Make Ice Bishop of Beverly Hills Embrace Appliance Sales
Time: 8h
Location: Refrigeratorium
Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP
Paradox Reality Pt. 1
Peta starts
Peta: You know what, Pita? I've been thinking about how we were so easily taken out in the arena.
Pita: Yeah, don't remind me. I was taken out holding a flower. Embarrassing!
Peta: And all I had was a cape of leaves. The way I see it, we've got a second chance at life, and we shouldn't waste it showing off for a love interest.
Pita: You're right, we need to make the most of this opportunity.
Task: Make Pita Consider His New Life Opportunity
Time: 8h
Location: Brown House
Task: Make Peta Consider His New Life Opportunity
Time: 8h
Location: Brown House
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Paradox Reality Pt. 2
Pita starts
Pita: Well, I can't get that damned flower out of my head.
Pita: I think I'm going to have to put considerable time into figuring out what it means to me.
Peta: That's cool, man. You do you.
Peta: I've figured out what I'm going to do as well. And it will not have anything to do with capes of leaves or flowers.
Task: Make Pita Sculpt His Feelings
Time: 4h
Task: Make Peta Train to Be a Better Warrior
Time: 4h
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Paradox Reality Pt. 3
Pita starts
Pita: No matter how many times, or how many ways I sculpt it, it's not right. Why is it never right!?
Peta: I'm a terrible fighter. I've dropped a knife on my foot more times than I can count and fainted at the THOUGHT of the sight of my own blood.
Pita: We can't give up; we need to help each other through this.
Peta: You're right! We need to do it again!
Task: Make Pita Sculpt His Feelings
Time: 4h
Task: Make Peta Train to Be a Better Warrior
Time: 4h
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Paradox Reality Pt. 4
Pita starts
Pita: There…I've surrounded myself with sculptures and am too tired to think of anything.
Peta: I think I only cut myself three times in that session.
Pita: That's hero level stuff!
Peta: Want to get a bite to eat? I'm famished.
Task: Make Pita Eat a Salad
Time: 8h
Location: Krusty Burger
Task: Make Peta Eat Meat Lover's Burger
Time: 8h
Location: Krusty Burger
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Paradox Reality Pt. 5
Pita starts
Pita: It's nice outside the dome, exploring other interests, without worrying about being brutally killed at any moment.
Pita: I don't know about you, but I'm in no rush to go back. Want to see what else is around?
Peta: Okay, but can we call it reconnaissance? I don't want to lose what little bit of warrior edge I finally found.
Task: Make Pita and Peta Get Comfortable With Springfield
Time: 4h
Location: Shops
Requires: Peta
Peta: Ohhh, I don't feel so good.
Pita: I think the food from Krusty Burger has poisoned us.
Peta: And I was almost run over by a madman texting on his phone.
Pita: On second thought, I think we're safer in the dome. Let's go back.
Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP
Moe's Express Promotion
Gil starts
Gil: With all the fighting over the Mega Playscape, Ol' Gil has hit the skids again.
Gil: Where are good guys like me supposed to nod off after a day of doing nothing?
Gil: That's what I used to ask myself before finding this Moe's Express kit.
Gil: If you'd just help set ‘er up, Ol' Gil and the boys will have a place to park it between sittings at Moe's Tavern!
Offer accepted:
Gil: Wow, thanks, my pale ale pal!
Gil: I'd offer to buy you a beer but my wallet's drier than you are.
Offer declined:
Gil: It was worth a shot. Since I can't even afford the nails to put this together I guess I'll burn the wood for warmth.
The Customer is Always Trite Pt. 1
Moe starts
Moe: Moe's Express is open for business!
Larry: Hey, this is great, Moe. Us boozehounds were getting elbow to elbow in your regular bar.
Sam: Thanks, Moe. This gives us the chance to pull ourselves off the floor and get drunk in public again!
Moe: Whoa, wait up. I didn't rebuild this thing just for you losers!
Moe: I'm shootin' for a whole new clientele. Classy people with money. People on the go not people who just need a place to “go".
Task: Make Moe Serve Express Drinks
Time: 4h
Location: Moe's Express
Task: Make Moe's Regulars Drink at Moe's
Time: 4h
Location: Moe's Tavern
On job start:
Homer: I'm sure Moe won't mind if we just pour for ourselves.
Larry: Yeah, it's what he would want.
Barney: Hey, I just found our bar tabs!
Sam: Whoops, I accidentally tore them up, lit them on fire, and washed the ashes down the drain...
Homer: That still might not be good enough to dupe Moe.
On job end:
Moe: Where the heck was everyone? Not a single customer.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
The Customer is Always Trite Pt. 2
Larry starts
Larry: So, now that Moe's busy with his new bar, what are we going to do?
Homer: Beside drink until the taps run dry, you mean?
Sam: Hey, Larry, with all this free time we could finally work on my, uh, business plan!
Homer: My plan is to drink Moe's beer. And I mean business!
Larry: I try not to mix business with pleasure. But I do mix business with beer. It works for me!
Task: Make Moe Get Frustrated Serving Express Drinks
Time: 8h
Location: Moe's Express
Task: Make Sam Pitch Ideas to Larry
Time: 8h
Location: Brown House
Requires: Larry
On job start:
Sam: ... so then we pocket some of the cash and use the rest to pay back the previous investors.
Larry: Wow, that's genius. I can't believe no one has ever thought of this before!
Larry: Guess my brain is just that much bigger. Wait ‘til I tell everyone about it.
On job end:
Moe: Why is no one coming to this super convenient express bar!?
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
The Customer is Always Trite Pt. 3
Moe starts
Moe: Okay, I'm back, ya bums...
Moe: What've you done to my bar?!
Larry: Hey, Moe, would you like to invest in our business?
Moe: How about I invest in kicking your ass out of here!
Larry: Interesting counter offer. Let me run it past my business partners.
Task: Make Moe Kick Out His Regulars
Time: 4h
Location: Moe's Tavern
On job start:
Homer: Good job, Larry! Now where are we going to drink?!
Barney: Yeah, and don't think we've forgotten your part in all this, Sam!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
The Customer is Always Trite Pt. 4
Larry starts
Larry: Okay, Sam, we need to come up with a new plan.
Sam: Scheming is always best over a stiff drink!
Larry: Good plan - to Moe's!
Sam: ...
Larry: Oh, right. Okay, well Plan B then.
Task: Make Larry Drink at the Brown House With Sam
Time: 12h
Location: Brown House
Requires: Sam
On job start:
Larry: Why don't we just drink here all the time?
Sam: Good point. The prices are better, beer isn't watered down and there's no ugly guy glaring at us over the bar.
On job end:
Moe: It's been nice havin' time without them bums around so I could spruce the ol' place up.
Moe: I even cleaned the roaches out of the cash register by handin' em out as change.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
The Customer is Always Trite Pt. 5
Sam starts
Sam: Look, why don't we just go drink at Moe's new place?
Larry: Moe's no fool. He learned his lesson when we had drank up every drop from his old place.
Sam: You sure?
Larry: I'll call the guys.
Task: Make Moe's Regulars Drink at Moe's Express
Time: 4h
Location: Moe's Express
On job start:
Moe: The bar's all sorted out and nice-like again. I can get back to the new place…
Moe: Really, fellas?!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
The Customer is Always Trite Pt. 6
Larry starts
Larry: Uh...hey, Moe...
Moe: Aw, forget it, I can't stay mad at my only customers who drink excessively.
Moe: Now drink up. It's time to show this town what a real booze-up looks like!
System Message: You can now send Homer, Barney, Lenny, Carl, Sam, Larry, and Moe on animated jobs at Moe's Express!
Task: Make Moe Serve Drinks at Moe's Express
Time: 4h
Location: Moe's Express
Task: Make Moe's Regulars Drink at Moe's Express
Time: 4h
Location: Moe's Express
Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP
Wafflin' On
Grampa starts
Grampa: Ahhh!
Jasper: What's wrong, Abe?
Grampa: Our old enemy, the Luftwaffe, have finally caught up to us!
Lisa: What? No, it's just a waffle house with an attempt at a clever name.
Jasper: Making light of the Great Wars? That's a paddlin'!
Task: Make Oldies Storm the Benches
Time: 12h
Location: Luftwaffles
Grampa: I can't go on. Tell my family I love 'em! But not all of ‘em. I'll give you a list.
Jasper: If you're checking out before finishing your waffle, pass it on over 'ere.
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Milhouse starts
Milhouse: Bart! Let's go on the chopper ride! I've always wanted to soar!
Nelson: Hold up there. All riders shorter than me have to pay extra!
Milhouse: What, that's not fair! Just because you're bigger, and stronger, and meaner...
Bart: You just made his points for him. Milhouse, pay the man.
Task: Make Youngsters Get to the Chopper
Time: 4h
Location: Chopper Ride
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Outlandish Creations Pt. 1
Marge starts
Marge: Homer, why have you built a factory in the middle of nowhere?
Homer: Oh Marge, if I built it at home the DEA would find it.
Marge: The DEA?! Do I even want to know what you're up to?
Homer: Sweetie, do you ever?
Marge: No, I suppose not. Just keep your bail to the normal limits please.
Task: Make Homer Stock Suspicious Supplies
Time: 30m
Location: Outlands Factory
Homer: There, that's the last of it.
Homer: Now remember our deal. No one must find out!
Professor Frink: Yes, yes, I remember. Although this would go faster if I was allowed to work with some light...
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Outlandish Creations Pt. 2
Professor Frink starts
Professor Frink: Okay, Homer-
Homer: NO NAMES!
Professor Frink: Right, er, No Name Simpson.
Homer: That's better.
Professor Frink: As I was saying. I believe I have created what you've asked for.
Homer: Great! If this works you'll be a hero.
Professor Frink: And allowed to go home, hoyvin! You promised to let me go home!
Task: Make Homer Test the Results
Time: 4h
Location: Outlands Factory
Homer: Oh yes...texture...flavor... sugar headache...
Homer: You did it! You re-created Lard Lad's frosting!
Homer: First frosting, then the world!
Professor Frink: Gloyvin...
Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP
Grabbin' Grub
Homer starts
Homer: Ooh, new eatery! Don't mind if I do!
Task: Make Homer Get Some Grub
Time: 4h
Location: Grub Shack
Task: Make Lisa Enjoy an Insectivorian Meal
Time: 1h
Location: Grub Shack
Homer: Ohh yes, that's some good grub!
Lisa: While I'm still a vegetarian, I'm glad you're experimenting with insectivorianism, Dad.
Homer: Wait, insector-what now?
Lisa: The grub shack, the food there is actual grubs. They're a nutritious and sustainable food source...
Homer: Uuuuhhhh....
Lisa: Dad, are you okay?
Homer: The thought of it makes me sick, but the crispity-crunch makes me want more!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Blue Collar
Lisa starts
Lisa: What is that thing? Is that molten metal?! This is an environmental disaster in progress!
Quimby: That's our new, er, iron processing plant.
Quimby: It's generated two whole jobs, beating my critics' projections by one hundred percent!
Lisa: All that noise and pollution for just two jobs?
Quimby: Actually one of the jobs is for a dog...but she supervises a genuine, fully paid, technician!
Cletus: That's right. I takes orders from a Border Collie.
Task: Make Cletus Feed His Supervisor
Time: 1h
Location: Slaghold
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Safe Power
Smithers starts
Smithers: Sir, the reactor core is failing. We need to evacuate!
Mr. Burns: Oh, calm down, you fluttering fancy. The core isn't in any danger.
Mr. Burns: I sold off the radioactive material after the last time that nincompoop Simpson dropped a rod down his shirt.
Smithers: But, then how are we supplying the town with power?
Mr. Burns: We're simply reselling the spare power those hippies and their fancy solar panels are generating.
Mr. Burns: Now, get back to work and make it look like we're operating a dangerous nuclear facility!
Task: Make Plant Workers Work a Plant Shift
Time: 8h
Location: Cooling Towers
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Gas Pipes
Willie starts
Willie: I heard you was lookin' for an outlaw musician?
Willie: No instrument is more outlawed than the venerable bagpipes.
Otto: Woah, man, that's not what I meant by outlaw.
Willie: Too late, long haired laddie. Once a Scotsman unsheathes his bagpipes they cannae resheathed until ears have bled!
Otto: Dude, now that's a jam I can get behind. Strap in and rock on, man!
Task: Make Willie Play the Bagpipes of Wrath
Time: 8h
Location: Bagpipe Bus
On job start:
Willie: Hear me!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Snuggle Bug Pt. 1
Marge starts
Marge: Homie, I think I need to get away for a bit.
Homer: Oh Marge, you and your wild goings on! What kind of scrape or bungle did you get yourself into this time?
Marge: What? No! I just need a break from all the crazy things going on in this town.
Marge: Maybe we could get away to somewhere romantic where we can... snuggle...
Homer: Woo hoo! You said the "S" word!
Task: Reach Level 15 and Build Moe's Tavern
Task: Make Homer Research Snuggle Locations
Time: 6s
Location: Simpson House
Task: Make Homer Research Snuggle Locations
Time: 12h
Location: Simpson House
On job start:
Homer: Uh...that's enough. My internet search history is now all 'snuggle locations'.
On job end:
Marge: I found this great place called Snuggler's Cove! What did you find, Homie?
Homer: What you found sounds much better than Hook-Up Hideaway!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Snuggle Bug Pt. 2
Homer starts
Homer: Ok, so what's Snuggler's Cove got that Sleepin' Ain't Cheatin's and Lay It Again Sam's doesn't?
Marge: Well, it has wonderful views, emperor-size beds...
Homer: The food, Marge, the food?
Marge: Oh, well it has in-room catering...
Homer: Take me, my body is ready!
Task: Make Marge Check-in to Relaxation
Time: 4h
Location: Snuggler's Cove
Task: Make Homer Order in-Room Catering
Time: 4h
Location: Snuggler's Cove
On job start:
Marge: Oh this is just perfect, it's so nice to have a change of pace.
Homer: I changed my pace...of eating! I'm never leaving bed for breakfast, lunch, or dinner again!
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP
Snuggle Bug Pt. 3
Marge starts
Marge: So, Homie, now that we're here...I think I'm ready...
Homer: For more food. Right. I'm on it.
Marge: Well...I was thinking of something else...
Homer: Oh!
Homer: Woo hoo! I'm on that too!
Task: Make Homer Snuggle With Marge
Time: 4h
Location: Snuggler's Cove
Requires: Marge
Marge: Wow, that was intense, I don't think I could manage that again.
Homer: Yeah, those bacon-wrapped, donut cheeseburgers are pretty intense!
Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP
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