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LPNintendoITA's avatar
7 years ago

Bart the Fink: GUIDE

Offshore Fun Pt. 1

Auto starts

Krusty: I hear those hopeless idiots in Washington passed a new tax law. How does it impact me, the small-time gazillionaire?
Cayman Island Banker: Why, you get to keep even MORE of your money, Mr. Krustofski.
Krusty: What?! Why would those perfect angels in Washington do this?
Cayman Island Banker: They feel it's high time that the wealthy give even less back to the country they pretend to love.
Krusty: How right they are! Time to buy my old airplane back!

Task: Reach Level 7 and Build Krusty Burger
Task: Place I'm-On-A-Rolla Gay

Krusty: Oh Planey, I missed you. I hope the mean IRS men didn't find the bags of you-know-what sewn into your seat cushions.

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Offshore Fun Pt. 2

Krusty starts

Krusty: It sure is nice owning a plane. Know what I mean?
Krusty: What?! You don't own a plane? Ewww.
Krusty: Well, keep investing your money in mobile games, and I'm sure you'll be rich soon, too!

Task: Make Krusty Refuel His Plane
Time: 4h
Location: I'm-On-A-Rolla Gay

Krusty: Ahhh...happiness is owning a fully-fueled private jet.
Krusty: If that seems arrogant, try to remember how very wealthy I am, vis-à-vis you.
Krusty: So just try to be happy for me, Sky Finger. And jealous. I just love when people are jealous of me.

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Offshore Fun Pt. 3

Krusty starts

Krusty: Sure, I'm well off. Money-wise. But could I have even more sweet, sweet cash?
Krusty: I'm not a young man. And I just don't want to leave this Earth knowing I could have had more money.
Krusty: Better call that banker...

Task: Make Krusty Call His Offshore Bank
Time: 4h
Location: Krusty Burger

Krusty: I'M WHAT???
Cayman Island Banker: You're broke. You invested in a company called Ponzi Pyramid Schemes, Inc.
Krusty: The Italian architectural firm that designs high-end triangle tombs for rich Egyptians? What's wrong with them?
Krusty: Come back, money! I don't want to live without too much of you!
System Message Will Krusty ever become solvent, or will he just regress to solvents? Find out soon!

Quest reward: $200 and XP.png20

Savings Haven Pt. 1

Cayman Island Banker starts

Cayman Island Banker: I just love hiding money where no one can find it.
Cayman Island Banker: Let's see... I'll put a dime under that dog... tuck a dollar behind that little girl...
Lisa: ...
Cayman Island Banker: I have so many clients here in Springfield.
Cayman Island Banker: It's the kind of crime-ridden cesspool that warms a banker's heart.

Task: Make Cayman Island Banker Visit Customers
Time: 4h
Location: Shops
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Savings Haven Pt. 2

Cayman Island Banker starts

Cayman Island Banker: Mayor Quimby, nice to see you again!
Quimby: *whispers* Where have you been? It's election season.
Cayman Island Banker: Shall I arrange the usual under-the-table bribes and mistress-quieting payments?
Quimby: *whispers* I've never wanted anything more.

Task: Make Cayman Island Banker Arrange Transfers
Time: 4h
Location: Town Hall or Brown House

Cayman Island Banker: Mr. Mayor, your kickbacks, corruption and grafts are all arranged and ready to-
Cayman Island Banker: Oh hello, Chief Wiggum.
Wiggum: Banker Guy! Drop that hush money and give your ol' buddy Clancy a hug!

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Savings Haven Pt. 3

Cayman Island Banker starts

Wiggum: Stop right there, Banker Guy! Reach for the sky!
Cayman Island Banker: Have I done something wrong?
Wiggum: Huh? No, I just wanted to give you a high five. That's what friends do.
Wiggum: Unless you HAVE been doing something illegal with the Mayor...
Cayman Island Banker: All conversations between the Mayor and I are protected by crook-criminal privilege.
Wiggum: Oh, right. High five!

Task: Reach Level 15 and Build Moe's Tavern
Task: Make Cayman Island Banker Get a Drink
Time: 4h
Location: Moe's Tavern

Cayman Island Banker: This is the worst Piña Colada I have ever tasted.
Moe: Actually, it's the best puddle water and nail polish remover you've ever tasted.

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Savings Haven Pt. 4

Cayman Island Banker starts

Cayman Island Banker: Small towns warm a banker's heart. Even here, you can find average people breaking the law in extraordinary ways.
Cayman Island Banker: Yes, sir. If you're ever worried about the future of evil, small towns will put your mind at ease.
Moe: Now, there's nothing illegal going on in my bar.
Cayman Island Banker: Moe, how long have we known each other?
Moe: ‘Bout five minutes. But, yeah, you got me...

Task: Make Moe Smuggle Endangered Species
Time: 8h

Cayman Island Banker: Such vile exploitation, Moe! Thank you for this.
Wiggum: Stop right there!
Moe: *gasp*
Wiggum: You're walking away, when I want to pet that adorable fella!

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Savings Haven Pt. 5

Cayman Island Banker starts

Cayman Island Banker: Chief Wiggum, that's an endangered panda. You can't really be this obtuse, can you?
Wiggum: Can too!
Cayman Island Banker: I'm STILL going to offer you a bribe to look the other way. Just because I feel like it.
Cayman Island Banker: If loving to bribe cops is a crime, then consider me guilty.
Wiggum: Well, I'd have to look that up in a book or something. I'm gonna say it's cool.

Task: Make Cayman Island Banker Spread the Wealth
Time: 8h

Krusty: Hey, how about you spread a little of that cash my way?
Cayman Island Banker: Love to. But you have to do something illegal first.
Krusty: Illegal, eh? Okay, here goes. Something illegal... something totally against the law...
Krusty: I'm normally so good at this...

Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP
  • What if we don't get the banker? lol Looks like most of this requires the banker which costs 100 donuts.
    So I'd think the mini quest would be either cut in half or impossible to finish without the premium character.
  • Spoiler

    So the next event is going to be Krusty-centric?

    Hope we get the possibility of getting Simpson-ized characters of celebs like Bette Midler and the late Hugh Heffner.
  • "1pillform;c-1950204" wrote:
    What if we don't get the banker? lol Looks like most of this requires the banker which costs 100 donuts.
    So I'd think the mini quest would be either cut in half or impossible to finish without the premium character.

    This is a small 3 part teaser for next weeks event. The banker is a premium sideline quest. Not necessary to complete - just like all other premium releases.
  • The Banker does play some role in the Freemium Questline.

    I can assume, they may re-release the Cayman Islanders Banker (sometime) during the upcoming "Krusty" event. My two cents.