13 years ago
Being a good neighborino
- The lemon tree and crops should work in exactly the same way as buildings, except with the added benefit that if a neighbour's crops have become weeds, by tapping on it you restore them as harvestab...
sonny1618 wrote:USDPC wrote:
If you farm a ton of brown houses and I have to do multiple full screen swipes to find other buildings, you're gonna get brown houses tapped.
Not only do I not have any farms, my Springfield is still quite small and easy to navigate and the brown houses I do have are sprinkled amongst others. It's almost like people are actually seeking them out, which is even more baffling.
I think some people look for these.
I have town square with the school, city hall and police station located so they can be seen when you visit. I rarely find that these buildings were vandalized. Now these are regularly tapped:
* The Simpsons and Flanders houses, located at top left of town.
*The brown houses I have at the top right for the dump guard shack and mini-resort on lake Nucear Reactor Cooling pond
* The qwiki mart, located in the middle of my road maze.