Forum Discussion

kschold's avatar
13 years ago

Being a good neighborino

- The lemon tree and crops should work in exactly the same way as buildings, except with the added benefit that if a neighbour's crops have become weeds, by tapping on it you restore them as harvestable, so always tap weeds if you see them.

- You and your neighbours see the $ sign according to the same clock. They only see it if you can see it.

- Only one neighbour can tap on a building as far as I know, then it resets as if you had done it yourself.

- I believe cleaning up a neighbour's vandalised building helps your 'righteousness' rating much as doing it in your own town would, but I still am unsure as to what benefit this bestows on your neighbour, if any.

After figuring all this out, in addition to the points you laid out, nothing annoys me more when I log in and see the handshake sign above brown houses. It's not like my school, police station, town hall and Moe's are hard to find. I need them spraypainted too in order to clean them up and get my rating back up after vandalising nearly 100 people every day.

11 Replies

  • zuzupj wrote:

    I am on a coin hunt right now, so I apologize for clicking on the houses with lights. After I have obtained everything I can buy with coins, I will go back to vandalizing buildings.
