Forum Discussion

juliet603's avatar
11 years ago

Best Premium Character?

juliet603 wrote:
I finally have enough donuts to buy my first premium character with a building, and have no idea which one to get!

I love hank Scorpio but the volcano is a bit of an odd one to place, and I definitely want someone with good outdoor tasks - but other than that I'm stuck!

Who is your favourite character / building combo and why? I don't mind how many donuts they cost cos I'll probably make this my most expensive buy, as I doubt I'll collect this many donuts again for a while. :D

I don't own him but I'm really itching for Jasper, comes with the community centre which isnt the most attractive building but apparently has some cool outdoor tasks. I only own Bumblebeeman as a premium and am quite happy with him he was 60 donuts and well worth it!

Hank Scorpio is a BAUSS and I love that episode so if you were looking at that I might just go with it!!

21 Replies

  • get Duffman. he rolls around on a Segway and flies on a jetpack around Duff Stadium too. also the game has a lot of vehicle tie-ins (ex. boat, bus, etc.).