Forum Discussion

cinthiafer260's avatar
7 years ago

Buying Items Before the Event Ends

Which items and how many of them are you buying before the event ends? I wanted to stock up on the fences/walls. They always seem to come in handy for future decorating. The velvet ropes too since it's back in the store.
  • Loanet's avatar
    Rising Scout
    I can't imagine using the animal fences for anything else but the zoo wall is cool. I also have tons of velvet ropes - they're good for decorating venues.
  • going to get some walls for storage, they might come in handy later
    have 2-3 of each habitats in each of my 2 towns. 1-2 habitats in my zoo’s and aditional habitats in my country/nature areas outside the zoos. have one of each habitats fully upgraded in storage for the future if i need them later
    scaled down both zoo’s since i’m done with act and event
  • Always some velvet ropes and walls ofcourse. Fountains and other decorations that might come in handy as well.