Forum Discussion

rybeast18's avatar
12 years ago

Can't get past the loading screen

Sounds like the 'harp glitch' that a lot of us have encountered; there are a few threads on it. Some people have had success on the iphone 4, making sure that nothing else is running, disabling auto lock and cell data, using wireless data only, and letting it run for 15 minutes or more. Some have wiped the phone beforehand, but I don't know if that is a needed step or not.

Good luck! EA appears to be working on a fix for it, but there currently isn't an ETA on when it will be ready.

3 Replies

  • Vandaradg wrote:
    Sounds like the 'harp glitch' that a lot of us have encountered; there are a few threads on it. Some people have had success on the iphone 4, making sure that nothing else is running, disabling auto lock and cell data, using wireless data only, and letting it run for 15 minutes or more. Some have wiped the phone beforehand, but I don't know if that is a needed step or not.

    Good luck! EA appears to be working on a fix for it, but there currently isn't an ETA on when it will be ready.

    Thanks ill try that!
  • I have not been able to access the game since yesterday. It only brings up the initial "Gracie films" screen for about 3-4 seconds and then crashes on my iPhone 4s. I never received the harp glitch, wondering if anyone else is having this problem?
  • Yeah, more often than not, my iPad crashes after a few seconds of the Gracie/Fox(Faux)/EA(EAt my shorts, Man) screen as well. When I CAN get past it, I get harps on the Valentines/Bart Cupid start up screen. Same garbage, different day. good luck!